Church bells, And the catholic AGENDA.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by untamedlion33, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. have you ever woken up at 7 am cause you live in a mostly catholic town that some one believes its so important to ring every church bell in a hearing distance to your bedroom on a day you dont have to wake up that early? have you also wondered why there ringing at 9:22 am and there is coincidently a garbage truck out there making noises that combined just make you look up real estate in Afghanistan where christians are fed to the lions?

    i dont know how the gabarge truck was somehow a good idea to rattle around outside in the morning but the church bells i can see. in midevil europe church bells only rang to let everyone in the village know an army in the distance was coming to tear shit apart. my theory is now catholics are just mad because there imaginary satan is always coming after them for payback of all the shit they put humanity threw. so now because of god damn muslims, atheists, and everyone else they are secretly afraid of (pretty much everyone) they think a guy pulling in there lot at 6 am just turning around on the road or to skip past the red light with out going through it is an enemy.

    I ask you church people one more time stop this sensless nonsense of these dated ideas and get real.
  2. Its 10:38 and they are going again. Who makes up times for alarms like 9:22 and then 10:38.
  3. Go make a formal complaint to city hall.

    They're going to piss your tax dollars with ridiculous shit anyway, why not throw a monkey wrench into their busy schedules?
  4. #4 untamedlion33, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I didnt know you can do that. Those bells have got to go
  5. You your life sounds rough.

    I wish church bells were my primary concern.
  6. wuss. i live across from an elementary school. i can sleep through the recess bells and the army of screaming children at play. try going to bed at 7pm.

    you shoulda been here when they refitted our town's alarm system. they had this loud ass siren buzzing for over an hour both days. it was in my headphones, i could hear it over my music as maximum volume (which i rarely even use). that was just those two days tho
  7. The bells were rung in the old days also since not everyone could afford a clock or watch.

    But churches also ring the bells at service time so everyone knows to get in...or go to he'll (literally) lol
  8. #8 untamedlion33, May 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Well in 2011 they get complaints from people and reported to city hall. Ill deal with satan once I have a life time of good night and late morning sleep.
  9. Lol...touche
  10. Ah I see now. It's all so clear. The great evil agenda of the catholic church is to...make sure untamedlion33 wakes up early on sunday morning...

  11. atleast you aren't having to wake up earlier to go to said Catholic service.

    You know how much it sucks to come home at like 5 from a late night only to have to go to church at 8.

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