Chunks out of fan leaves.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by indic4, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I have a minor fungus gnat problem but I's pretty sure they don't eat the leaves. No other pest problems that I know of. Humidity is between 25% and 35%. Temps are between 60 and 70. Other than this, the plants are thriving. Any ideas?

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  2. bumpage
  3. get your humidity where it needs to be. could be genetic
  4. Fungus gnats will eat leaves. Get rid of them they multiply FAST.
  5. Is this a fact that they eat leaves?
  6. It is a fact I had them and they chomped on some of my leaves. They tend to attack roots more, but I have multiple leaves chewed up from the gnats I had.
  7. Fuck! I have the yellow sticky traps out and that has taken their population down but how did you get rid of them for good?
  8. I used about 3 fly traps/tape in my space and got a tupperware filled with sugar water. That attacked them to the water and they pretty much drowned themselves. You can get Neem oil also, or use apple cider vinegar with water.

    Check the web all kinds of ways. What I did worked for the most part, but took a couple weeks. I still have a few stragglers, but gone for the most part and no chewed up leaves.

    Ease up on the water some to keep dryer soil, that will kill the eggs. Also, you can put sand on the top of your soil to suffocate them.
  9. Great stuff waveslyder thanks. +rep
  10. No worries man. BTW i noticed this and wanted to make sure you were clear on this part, the apple cider vinegar is used in a bowl. I typed it in the same sentence as neem oil which you spray on plants. Wanted to make sure you knew NOT to spray the cider/water on the plants. Use that the same way in a bowl like the sugar water.

    Overall man damage is minor and plants look good. Keep up the good work!!
  11. Thanks for clearing that up. Cheers!
  12. bump humidity up to about 60 ish do you have any fans blowing harshly on them? i had the same exact looking pictures a bit ago. and it was both of those. wait till you see what the bump in humidity does.they will take off.
  13. I had some of the same little holes appear over night (actually a bit quicker than that), no little discolored suck marks preceding the holes either. Does anyone assume this is the same thing? Leaves look good aside from the bite marks Indic4.

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