Fight Club Choke Diary Invisible Monsters Haunted Rant Lullaby Stranger Than Fiction Snuff Pygmy Anyone else read his fiction? I've read every book of his, and can say he is by far my favorite novelist. It's not just because I enjoy the weird stories (although riveting), it's the way he tells them, the energy and dedication put into the actual literature. I've never seen him do anything half-assed as a writer. But to top it off, all of his stories are original. Yes, they are all strange in some way or another, but he creates mesmerizing, fantastical characters, whom you either fall in love with or desperately despise. My favorite by far was Diary. A tragic story of loss after loss after loss, all culminating into a dizzying abyss that left me with tears in my eyes. What are your thoughts, blades? Anyone else a Palahniuk nut?
Never read any of his stuff, but I am very interested in reading Fight Club, Choke, Lullaby, and Stranger than Fiction.. Just haven't really found then time to start a new book.
Looove Palahniuk. I haven't gotten a chance to read Snuff and Pygmy yet. I also missed Invisible Monsters, I think... I really liked Survivor, Rant, and Choke.
Snuff and Invisible Monsters were really good. Technically, I'm not done with Pygmy (but own it). So far, it's turned out to be a Manchurian Candidate type thing, but with an undercoating of white-trash America.
I've only got to read "Fight Club", and "Choke" from him. I'll have to check out his other books. Has anybody here seen the "Choke" movie?
well, other than the ENDING BEING DIFFERENT. sam rockwell was the only person who brought anything to the table. the film was only 90 minutes long and the director did a horrible job at capturing palahniuk's "voice" that's so prevalent in his works. he is no david fletcher and he did not make a "fight club". the movie was no where near as graphic as the novel. which i expected, but it had barely anything REALLY raunchy to it. nothing like chuck wrote. the movie was a decent movie i suppose. However i'm a fan of chuck palahniuk and it made me feel like someone took his novel, and raped it to make money off of people who don't know anything about the original writing. basically, if you're a fan of the book you'll hate the movie, if you've never read it you'll probably like the movie.
I have read Fight Club. It was epic! I have read some of Haunted, but never got around to finishing it. I'm gonna see if I can dig it up again. I think I was too young to understand it or even follow it, but maybe this time around I will be more intrigued.
you left out my favorite work, Survivor, changed my views on reading, very awesome, book can be used like a movie script. never anything awful from him, Choke was the first book to make me laugh out loud when reading too, the movie left out some great parts, but casting was great and still made me laugh with the whole jesus thing....awesome awesome awesome
Oh God, I forgot that was missing from my stack... How could I forget about the ex-cult, ex-celebrity crazy person flying a plane to his death?
I love Chuck Palahniuk, Diary and Lullaby are probably my favorites. But lately his books haven't been so good, Rant sucked imo, as did Haunted. I haven't read any of the really new books since those two kinda discouraged me.
rant is his worst work imo, i read that right after fight club, but Choke came out and the ads said "from the writer of Fight Club" and that got me interested again and i began picking up more and more of his work.
I honestly have never read fight club, haha. My first of his books was Invisible Monsters, and since I've read almost all of them excluding Choke, Pygmy, Snuff and Fight Club. I just hope that this shitty-writing streak won't last forever, he's got a ton of talent.