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Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by WTY1961, Dec 28, 2023.

  1. I’m a 62 year old man, I run a lawn service, and play drums on the weekend Fri Sat Sun. I’ve been an everyday user since I was 15. I’m pretty sure my nausea is CHS. For years Ive had occasional (3-4 times a year) debilitating bouts of nausea lasting almost a week. Didn’t happen when I was younger? Sometimes it doesn’t happen all year? In between bouts Im fine, but when I’m sick, it’s all day, subsiding in the eve. Cant eat, feel better for about a half hour after puking, but it seems to help only if I have something in my stomach to throw up - even just water or Gatorade. Dry heaving with my finger down my throat gives me no relief so i force myself to drink something to have something to puke. Ive tried Everything. Hot showers seem to help temporarily. In the past I couldn’t figure it out!!!! Would chalk it up to something I ate, or lack of sleep, or drank too much alcohol , or dehydrated, or the altitude change going to the mountains , or stomach viruses????! A few years ago my mom finds this CHS article on web md. Didn’t want believe it but Oh my god!- the relief of finding an explanation that seemed to make sense. Being a chronic user for so long though,, when I’m sick I just mow yards in the late afternoon, bring a bucket to the gig in case of emergency, and just deal with it. Luckily it subsides a little in the evening and being in public kinda forces me to be ok?? IDK… I enjoy my reefer, and wonder if dehydration( I know I don’t drink enough water) could be a factor that brings it on. It only happens occasionally and I smoke everyday. I’m currently at the end of a week long bout, and didn’t smoke the last 3 days of it- it sucked not smoking. Can’t remember ever doing that. I have always continued to smoke a little thru the sick period and it still goes away after a week or so. I sure would like to figure out what triggers it. IT SUCKS!!!! Gonna try to remember to drink more water and gatorade, eat healthier, get a little more sleep, remember my blood pressure medicine consistently, maybe take some probiotics, and generally take better care of myself. I saw some posts about moderation helping. IDK, Arghhh! Thanks for reading, Bill
  2. Hi @WTY1961 and welcome to the forums.
    A similar condition occurred to my daughter, and it turns out she has celiac disease and cannot metabolize gluten properly. Whether or not this is the case, or that there's RoundUp herbicide in most the grains grown in North America, she states that she isn't sick anymore since she did the dietary changes recommended for celiac disease. Maybe you should try cutting gluten out and see how it affects you.
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  3. My advice is to seek the advice of a genuine physician. Describe the symptoms, explain every possible avenue you think could be a factor. Maybe get some blood and piss tests if possible and go from there. On top of that do some research of your symptoms.

    My 2 cents, I seriously doubt weed is causing your shit to be fucked up how you describe, but I'm also not a doctor. But that doesn't mean I can't think logically either.
  4. Unlikely to be the weed, its probably some other cause.
  5. Man that would be better than having to totally quit. Thanks you guys, i have seen the doctor, but i just had a physical. Pretty High blood pressure and prescribed lisinopril 40 s. Otherwise healthy, it does control my blood pressure pretty good. Doctor was extremely surprised about how good my blood work looked. Said it was rare someone my age had NO parameters out of range. Even for a younger person. Showed me the ranges for younger age groups and i was good for those as well, told me to go home and shake my parents hand for such clean blood. Don’t know if that tells you guys anything? I’m wondering if you guys think CHS is even a real thing? Seems like a lot of people wonder the same. I will try the less gluten approach, thanks again, Bill
  6. yes it's real, but it comes on when someone smokes/ingests, not sporadically.
    On a side note, it took several visits to different doctors by my daughter before she was diagnosed with celiac. I would just try a gluten free diet for a week or two and see how it felt.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Thank you Trojangrower, your post is helpful. I looked up celiac disease and will try gluten free dieting. Is there a test for Celiac disease, or is it diagnosed other ways? Thanks again, Bill
  8. I'm kinda ignorant with the diagnostics. I just looked it up and seems I am wrong, you should go get analyzed, but I'd ask for that test specifically:

    Many people with celiac disease don't know they have it. Two blood tests can help diagnose it:

    • Serology testing looks for antibodies in your blood. Elevated levels of certain antibody proteins indicate an immune reaction to gluten.
    • Genetic testing for human leukocyte antigens (HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8) can be used to rule out celiac disease.

    It's important to be tested for celiac disease before trying a gluten-free diet. Eliminating gluten from your diet might make the results of blood tests appear in the standard range. (source)
  9. This is for your doctor and some blood tests to determine
    I use blood pressure meds and if I do not eat or drink enough I can get crippling nausea
    It could be so many things or a combination
    Please go to a medical doctor immediately and have some blood drawn
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  10. I have gone through bouts of random nausea my entire life and have been smoking since I was 15. I personally was suffering from nutrient deficiency like a plant. My iron was always low and I was not eating correctly for days at a time. What else I would note is if you don't know where your sourcing your herb from be it wax, edibles or smokeable. You should really nail that down. People will spray flowering plants with stuff that is "technically" usable doing flower. I don't agree with that i don't want to smoke anything other than grass. You never know what bugs, hair, sprays or whatever people may have used on their plants.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. Thanks, looks like preparing gluten free meals at home would be complicated for me. I’m going to look for gluten free prepared meals. Fresh fruit and oj for breakfast is something i could do and enjoy. Then I’ll try to find some prepared meat and potato type meals that i would enjoy that are labeled gluten free, i can probably do that. Maybe that sounds like a good plan?
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  12. I think you'd be ok doing this. Worse case scenario is nothing changes. My daughter followed a strict gluten free diet for a while and then tried gluten after a bit, and got more sick then usual. She now wants nothing to do with gluten. So maybe it can help, I can't see how changing one's diet would affect you adversely, although diagnostics could help confirm the condition, all they would tell you afterwards would be to change your diet, so... yea, try it ;)
  13. My wife just started a GF diet.
    The GF foods are usually high in sodium to make up for lost flavor ,id check the labels.
    If you don't grow your own weed ,id say there's definitely some crap in it.
    You've been smoking a long time,
    imo,that'll change your insides.
    I'd lay off smoking for a little while,
    a thc tincture in an atomizer spray bottle is the closest to smoking ,imo.
    Good luck:thumbsup:
  14. Thanks you guys, appreciate it
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