Chs,soooo fucking awful

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BigSog, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. Hi,I'm Alan,living in Scotland where there is nothing to do but smoke,its a national issue.
    I have smoked weed for more than 35yrs.I love weed.Its been huge in my life.
    Been smoking at least 8 jts a day for most of this time.
    Now diagnosed with CHS,after having several heart attacks.
    Can't smoke,drink,eat spicy foods.Feel nauseous daily,sick often.
    Several hospital trips and stays later,I'm considering suicide.Cant deal with changing everything.
    No real help for this condition,be careful out there guys.
    Wish me luck x
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  2. Stop using.
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  3. Suicide ends your pain but your family and loved ones will have to live with that until their time is up. Seek any treatments and/or solutions that are available before even considering suicide.

    I don't know much about CHS but life is beautiful, look for the positives. Best wishes mate.
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  4. decreasing use or taper off can stop it.
    taper off takes longer,but you may know better how much you can take.
    i didn't stop when i had it,but my amount wasn't a lot.
    over the counter nausea worked great for me.
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  5. so you're normal then, suicide is just dumb, considering you're half way their, life expectancy is trivil in Ecosse,
    as a scot told me its how the english control the scots, but I ain't there to tell
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  6. Hi Allen!

    Pot isn't the cure for boredom. Boredom comes from discontentment and that can be changed with thinking...changing your thinking is the hard part though!

    As far as suicide, I get it seems like a solution when you feel physically sick but it will mess up the lives of those who love you. It's better to suffer well than make others suffer!!

    Is smoking it and the lungs the issue or pot itself makes you nauseous?

    Minnow says hi!
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  7. Hey,thanks,
    I have suffered from depression for many years,I ain't had it easy in life,the last couple of years have been particularly hard,meds don't really help.
    It doesn't take much to put me back in the bad place.
    Thanks to u and minnow for being kind x
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  8. Oh,and fuck you vee,for finding it funny,prick
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  9. You have these and you think Scotland is boring?! Tisk, Tisk! ;)
  10. And the cutest cows known to man...
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  11. #11 Blix, Jul 19, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023

    One of those cute cows chased my brother up the side of a mountain when he was is Scotland. :)

    On the CHS thing. I find that taking a Prilosec (Omeprazole) every day stops the Vomiting.
    There was still stomach upset almost every day though. So now I take a two hour break
    in the afternoon, and things are much better.

    I still get stomach upset once or twice a week, but it's not all the time like it used to be,
    and usually not as bad.

    Edit: Fixed a mistake
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  12. I'm on olanzapine for my condition (mental health) didn't know it could treat physical conditions.
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  13. He meant Omeprazole.
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  14. Thanks for clearing that up I thought something was a bit off :thumbsup:
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  15. Yep. Sorry about that. I take both, actually.

    I fixed my post.
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  16. I'm sure you know what's best for you and your family but it could be worse, you could be Irish instead of Scottish. Right, Smoky?
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  17. @Blix I'd let a Scottish highland chase me and then I'd make him my pet! Your brother lost an opportunity. :sneaky:

    @BigSog This might give you pause...After attending the Scottish Highland games here in my state, I fully comprehend that kilts are manly!! ;)

    @Cactus Ed In my mind, the Irish and Scottish are really just long lost cousins but this makes both people groups mad so I keep it to myself. :rolleyes:
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  18. Yeah, I admit I was teasing Smoky but in an obvious way. We're all just people, just programmed differently. I wish the OP well. Anyone with CHS gets my support and sympathy, For the grace of god....
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  19. @Cactus Ed - I knew you were teasing this Smokey person. I thought I was helping. :oops:;)
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  20. I don't think they would have let him take it on the plane home with him. :D
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