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ChronicClif's guide to NOT getting ripped off and becoming chill with your dealer!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ChronicClif, May 12, 2011.

  1. #1 ChronicClif, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    This is my complete guide as an Ex-Dealer to assist anyone in not getting ripped off and eventually reaching Pineapple Express status with your dealer.

    I am making this thread for 4 reasons.

    1. I use to deal alot of pot (Just pot) and make alot of money from ripping off the idiots at my highschool, city, and even parents of friends/acquaintances who really didnt know what they were doing.
    2. New smokers never know what they actually have in weed terms till they get a scale
    3. Ripping people off when buying weed can be easier then you think
    4. I want to help you not get ripped off

    Simply put, new tokers are incredibly unaware of the value, price, amount, and quality of all the weed they buy, regardless of how smart you think you are.

    Okay to begin. First off, establish yourself with a dealer, he doesnt need to be your friend but make sure you are not only polite but on time and pay him in big bills as possible (NEVER PAY IN CHANGE OR 1's IT SERIOUSLY PISSES DEALERS OFF). As an Ex-Dealer who dealt his way into college and through highschool, I can tell you I never ripped off the people who were chill and calm about buying weed. DONT call or Text your dealer 20 times in 5 minutes or something like that. That will piss him off, and you will be ripped off. Also if you happen to stumble upon your dealer smoking alittle, maybe in his car waiting for you to arrive at the agreed spot, offer to smoke with him alittle if you have weed and you have used him more then acouple times. This will go a long way, dealers like it when not only are their customers chill but appreciative and generous. At least when i dealt, when something like this happened it was a garunteed hookup next meet.
    Secondly, You need to know what you are buying, ask questions! If he hands you a baggy that feels like ask him how much it is, and can he weight it out for you. If he says no then you now know he is ripping you off. I would suggest getting a gram scale if your dealer doesnt have one (Which would really be ridiculous, no self respecting dealer doesnt own a scale). If he weighs it out for you or tells you the amount, do a quick calculation. Let him know that you know what you are buying and how much. If you work your way up to 8-10 dollar gs, you have now become homie-status and should be proud of your developed and trustworthy hook. On a side note, make sure you watch your dealer 0 out his scale, because their are way to rig the scale to appear like there is more weight then there is.
    Thirdly, Know what you are buying. Ask for his opinion of the strain what he thinks or what dominant type it is (thats assuming that your dealer smokes). Lett him know that you have a pretty good understanding of what you are buying and aren't some punk who he can sell schwag and call blue dream. In my experience as a dealer, I could honestly know how much certain people knew about weed just but their actions during a deal. This meant I knew very fast who and how I could rip off and make myself money fast. Also, if you become more chill with your dealer, ask him were he acquires his product. It lets you know not only the quality, but the variety the dealer has.
    Lastly know simply, You dont have to stay with your dealer. I lost and gained clients on a weekly basis, and it made no real difference to me. You dont owe your dealer loyality, he owes you loyality since you are the customer. If you realize not only that your dealer is an ass, but that he has been ripping you off, then switch. Ask your friends for their dealer, see if they mind (Some people are possessive about dealers and some dealers are sketch about new customers) This may mean you have to start over developing a relationship with a new dealer, but you most likely will get a new, chiller dealer in the longrun.
    As for when you realize you are being ripped out.
    You have three real options.
    1. Tell him that you dont think its enough or that its alittlle light, like say if your getting 1.4 for 20 your getting ripped, Most dealers will pad the sack even if they arent ripping you off, as a sign off good faith and apology.
    2. If your dealer refuses, talk to him try to get an understanding of what your buying or if the price has increase for unforseen reasons (Busts, Disasters, you know shit happens)
    3. If all else fails, leave. If you know your getting ripped off dont take the deal, You can leave and you can find a better deal elsewhere trust me.
    Hopefully this helped any new tokers who had uncertain not only about buying weed, but relationship between the buyer and dealer. If there are any gasps you think I missed in this thread then message me or ask a question here! I hope this really helps new tokers understand any uncertainties they had. Good toking guys! :smoke:
  2. Yay well i feel bad for ripping off kids as bad as i did back in highschool, this is just me doing my part to help :smoke:
  3. you need a guide for common sense nowadays?

  4. Can you honestly say that you understood all of this when you first started?
  5. i think you should add what you do when you do get ripped.

    Edit: confrontation or deal with it?
  6. Yea good info, I like the part about "dealer loyalty," I used to feel like I was obliged to certain dealers, but then I learned that they're all competing against each other. I can use that to my advantage and get better deals, and I don't have to worry about them resenting me for not picking up from them, cause I can say "sorry man I got it from another guy who did it faster."

    If your dealer is being slow and you can get it from someone else, don't feel sad, get glad. That's the way the game works, if your dealer cant do it too bad thats his loss. If another guy will do it go with him.
  7. I don't mind if my customer pays me change. Money is money. Plus there's a coin to bill exchanger right in front of my house looool
  8. A few times I bought dub sacs from this one dealer, all of the $20 was in quarters. He wasn't too thrilled. After I did this two times he's like "yo I don't need all this change I need cash man" he was laughing about it cause it's fucking funny, but change is annoying.

    And the closest place around here to get cash for $20 in quarters is coinstar or a bank (I don't like waiting in bank lines though), and he doesn't want to go to a coinstar and lose a dollar or two just to make it into bills (neither do I).

    Personally I wouldn't care accepting change from people if I was dealing, as long as it didn't happen all the time. Sometimes you can't get cash and you pay with what you have, that's understandable. But if every time someones using change that shit would be ANNOYING.
  9. #10 ChronicClif, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011
    Ya exactly, I honestly feel that dealing made me more aware of how to score with later dealers. I am currently getting 8 dollar gs from a really tight guy i dealt with as patners for a while, and I cant that I could be getting better deals, I pratically get twice better deals then any more customer.

    As for when you realize you are being ripped out.
    You have three real options.
    1. Tell him that you dont think its enough or that its alittlle light, like say if your getting 1.4 for 20 your getting ripped, Most dealers will pad the sack even if they arent ripping you off, as a sign off good faith and apology.
    2. If your dealer refuses, talk to him try to get an understanding of what your buying or if the price has increase for unforseen reasons (Busts, Disasters, you know shit happens)
    3. If all else fails, leave. If you know your getting ripped off dont take the deal, You can leave and you can find a better deal elsewhere trust me.
  10. Good thread. I suggest buying a cheap 10$ scale off ebay. Prevents you from being ripped off a lot. Just weigh it out when you get home, if its short then shoot the dude a text and get some extra on your next buy. If they try to play you, just look for a new dude.
  11. You are lucky. 20 a g here average. i get it for around 6 a g from a guy buying in bulk but you should add that to you original post.
  12. Thats exactly what i did, and honestly its depressing when you first start to get a scale and realize how much weed you dont have.
  13. Yeah I'm paying $20 for a dub, that's usually around 1.4 like you said. I wish I could get a gram for $8 of chronic that'll be the fucking day.
  14. One time this kid at my school told me he'd pay me five bucks for a joint the next day, but I didn't have any weed. So when I got home, I scraped the bottom of my box and got about half a joint of bud. Then I took half of the tobacco out of a cigarette and rolled a joint of half weed half tobacco. Since it was his firstime smoking, and he was smoking alone, he got pretty high off of the joint, and he bought many more joints from me for five bucks. It was usually just mids, so I would have been making a profit even if it was pure weed.
  15. Its really an art ripping fools off, It takes a shitload of creativity.

  16. [​IMG]

  17. Owned :smoke:
  18. Nice job man! Ive seen you post around and i havent gotten annoyed by you yet, so nice job. First guide ive read that isnt just commen sense bullshit.

  19. Ya i really like sharing my ideas on the forum and having been getting some good reponse, I really like it here :smoke:

    And this is all basic experience, and i want to make sure that there out people out there who are getting ripped by dicks like i use to be.

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