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Chronic Smokers: "Haziness" while not under the influence?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bongalong, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. #1 Bongalong, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2009
    I noticed in class today after becoming a chronic smoker for the past 6 months, that I start to feel high at around 5:00 -6:00 pm. It was sort of weird to say the least. I felt "slower", and also noticed that my speech production was affected some-what. I found my self dazing, and just sort of having a limited attention span.

    So I guess this is what people refer to as the "haziness", "pink cloud", or "permastoned" effect. Personally, I did not notice this for the first 5-6 months of smoking. I honestly, would wake up and feel like a million dollars, and would feel energetic all day. It really felt amazing. However, I've been noticing for the past few weeks that I haven't been feeling the same way the very next day.

    So, for seasoned tokers, how long does it take to start your body over again? I'd like to go back to smoking every night, but I'm not sure when I should start this cycle over again.

    a few days?
    1 week?
    2 weeks?
  2. #2 hatchplzhelp, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2009
    I have never heard of the Pink Cloud effect. However it would make sense for you to get that feeling if you typically smoke around 5 or 6. The body has an internall clock and if you get high around that time your body is probably preparing for the buzz. They have a show on BBC or Discovery that talks about this. Such as you get hungary at the same time every day. If you have a drink a certain time every day you get a bigger buzz etc. If you want to do a Tbreak I would say a week. I personally dont care for them.
  3. #3 Bongalong, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2009
    My tolerance is still pretty fine. Even if I roll a small pinner (about a bowls worth, but probably less) then I'm pretty f*$king scorched for awhile.

    It's just that recently I've been noticing some more negative effects while I'm not high such as:

    * Waking up later
    * Harder to get out of bed
    * Less of an energetic feeling during the morning (which was completely opposite from what I've been feeling for the first 5 months...I was alive and kicking at 10:00am).
    * Takes more time to explain things...and remember things while sober at certain times
    * Most of all, a general feeling of "mugginess" or "haziness"
    * My appetite has lessened (I have to sometimes "make" myself eat..I get hungry less often)
    * I want to say that I'm slightly more anxious than usual. However, I think this could be attributed to other personal and professional reasons that are happening - Nothing serious though...just mild anxiety stuff.

    Anyone else know what I'm talking about? It's time for a break I'd think, but I'm not quite sure on the duration.

    So far, I'm 24 hours and I'm cruising along just fine..........
  4. I see that this thread was moved to the "apprentice" section. I hope that you "apprentices" are able to answer this topic thoroughly though... :)
  5. [quote name='Bongalong']

    It's just that recently I've been noticing some more negative effects while I'm not high such as:

    * Waking up later
    * Harder to get out of bed
    * Less of an energetic feeling during the morning (which was completely opposite from what I've been feeling for the first 5 months...I was alive and kicking at 10:00am).
    * Takes more time to explain things...and remember things while sober at certain times
    * Most of all, a general feeling of "mugginess" or "haziness"
    * My appetite has lessened (I have to sometimes "make" myself eat..I get hungry less often)
    * I want to say that I'm slightly more anxious than usual. However, I think this could be attributed to other personal and professional reasons that are happening - Nothing serious though...just mild anxiety stuff.

    Anyone else know what I'm talking about?/QUOTE]

    i got the food thing too! i was the only of my friends that have that. i been smokin almost everyday for a year and a half... im not hungry unless im stoned/munching. i gotta make myself eat.

    i have trouble explaining things too, i jumble works and cant think of them either sometimes. cant remember stuff for shit... g
    ot baked yesterday and thought i heard someone comin so i hid my tin with all my stuff in it in my camera bag. spent three hours lookin for it that night. lol. stoner moment.

    breaks are good. maybe a week or two. month or two i think if you totally wanna clear your system... :smoke:
  6. I heard that THC can be stored in fat cells and that can cause a high, even if you dont smoke. Thou Im not sure is it true.
  7. I know exactly what you mean. Ive been smoking everyday for a few months now and I notice that same haziness your talking about. I just feel out of it all the time and I have a hard time concentrating on things. Im thinking about taking a couple weeks off too. Does anyone know if this feeling will go away? I need to concentrate on school for a while and im having a hard time.
  8. Take a couple of days off smoking. Drink lots of water and exercise alot while your on your break and you'll clear up pretty quick. When I start to feel sluggish its when I know I need to take a tolerance break.

  9. yes!! go on a bike ride before it gets cold! drink all them liquids, eat right, stay away from junk food munchies
  10. This happens to me too, just take a few days off and you'll feel better than ever. Also, watch what you eat and try and get some exercise. Haven't had to take a break since I started doing both those things
  11. I get this when I smoke every day for long periods of time. All it takes for me is a few days break and I'm back to normal.
  12. So, it sounds like a couple days is all I need?

    Last time I smoked was Sunday night. Monday night I took off. Tuesday night (tonight) would be about 48 hours, but I think it might be best to way until Wednesday or Thursday night or maybe even Friday.

    One more question for you guys. Let's say I start back up Thursday night. Will I immediately be back into the same rut feeling hazy and such the next day, or does it take some time before I would have to cycle again? I'm just wanting to make sure I give my body enough time to get back to normal.

    My diet is pretty rock solid. I also exercise every day as well. But I guess it wasn't enough to keep this from happening, heh.
  13. Couple days off should do you good. You won't be back in that rut right when you start toking again, but you might be back there in a few months. If that happens it's just time for another break. Try to start back up again after having a really awesome day, always makes it even more worth while
  14. started happening to me took a months long t-break and was straight. you dont got to take the long of a t-break but you definatly should take one
  15. I get this haziness for usually a day or two after a big smoking session, so I know what you mean. I have also noticed a loss of appetite...except when i get munchies of course.
  16. You should be fine I'd think. For me, after those couple days break it takes a while for me to get back into that haziness rut. Like a couple weeks/months of smoking every day. I don't smoke every single day anymore though, it's usually 4-5 days a week depending on circumstances.
  17. Bongalong, since you asked, this is my experience:

    For a while I definitely smoked every day, and during that time I do recall having a definite haze, but the haze was entirely one-way: it was worst in the morning and cleared up as the day went on.

    Not only that, but IIRC the haze would clear far more quickly when I drank coffee. If anything this is the most lasting effect weed has had on me: I began to drink coffee regularly when I smoked daily because it would "clear the haze." I no longer smoke daily, but the coffee has stuck around.

    I do not have any recollection of a haze that would set on "very suddenly".

    I do, however, have a similar experience that might be of some use. During the tail end of my "everyday" period, I began to lose weight through regular exercise. I noticed that on days that I had worked out, I would occasionally feel "high" even though I had yet to smoke weed that day.

    I had heard, of course (and haven't we all) that THC is stored in your fat cells, and I always wondered if a small amount was actually being released post-work out but pre-nightly-smoking.

    Then again, people who don't smoke but do regularly work out often describe a "runner's high" or some similar condition, so I could never really be certain if it was just the workout, or if it was something else.
  18. Good points Libertarian. I've been into Bodybuilding for the past 4 years, and I've been using cannabis mainly for enriching my diet and making my workouts more "manageable". Getting "high" is probably the 10th reason why I smoke. I have many other reasons (all are due to self-improvement).

    Another thing, is that my appetite slowly has became affected after long use. I'm currently trying to bulk (put on weight), but lately, I've been noticing that I've lost 5 lbs over the past 4 weeks (some of which can be attributed by a flu). However, my appetite has been affected far after the flu, which seems to be an indication of cannabis use only. It seems that I'm only hungry when I'm high. This is part of the reason why I decided to take a break, because I've never exhibited this during the first 5 months of use.

    HOWEVER, it's currently the second day of not smoking, and my appetite is back. I'm hungry when I'm suppose to be hungry. It's not fully back, but it's definitely improving.

    Taking a break is looking to be a good thing. I've still got a buzz going on from not smoking (my body probably thinks I've just smoked), but it's pretty slight. Last night, it was bigger. So yea, I really do think that THC just sits in your body for awhile, and I think it's a good idea to flush it out over time, and let your body get back to regular homeostasis, even if it's for a short time.

    I see that you drink Coffee. I drink tea, and I drink LOTS of tea. I probably go through a couple gallons every week. So, it probably works the same way that you've been using coffee. Not as much caffeine though, but again, I do drink a lot!

    Great insightful post.

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