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Chronic Bronchitis

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by St0nerWarArena, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. Hello Grass City, I'm 18 and have been smoking weed and cigs since I was 12, and weed daily since I was 14. I cut down On cigarettes for a couple days recentley to like 5-8 from about a pack and a half a day. Then when I went to cough up mucus from my lungs clearing out a little after a while, I coughed up a chunk of bloody skin in a giant lugui.

    Doctor did an x-ray and I have chronic bronchitis, and gave me this giant lecture on weed being the cause. Maybe I just smoke way too much or something, I get really fresh good mids all the time and no one else I know has ever got this. Just gotta take antibotics but has anyone ever got this shit from smoking too much? I work out too and play drums daily so I'm not exactly outta shape.
  2. man I get this every couple of months and it sucks.... but its manageable
  3. Well, it would seem that smoking marijuana DEFINITELY hurts your bronchitis. There's no doubt that smoking any substance, at all, will hurt your lungs some. Marijuana may not be associated with increased cancer risk, but it definitely IS associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, just like smoking anything else would.

    I would recommend investing in a quality vaporizer, which isn't perfect, but much better. You'll eliminate many carcinogens and tars, as well as excess heat and particulate in your lungs. They expensive, but some come with lifetime warranties. Also consider cooking with cannabis and tinctures more. Make a big batch of weed butter ahead of time and just slip it in foods (honestly, I like to put a dollop of weed butter in a cup of strong, sweet coffee. Butter and coffee is a traditional Ethiopian preparation and is delicious, plus the caffeine helps with sleepiness). I know, there's nothing like smokin' a bowl or a j, but at least cut down... for your health's sake. Irritated lungs are no good.

    Peace, and good luck! :smoking:
  4. haha anyone else read this as Chronic Chronchitis?
  5. #5 poncho, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2009
    my doctor told me that before, sometimes i use to make this wheezing sound but it was only for a lil bit

    i'd assume its the combination of weed and cigs(duh) so vape or cut back or wait for it to go away

    i cough up tons of shit(though not as much as i used to) green brown black red you name it. more recently its clearer and jus kinda green or brown:). i guess get used to it, happens to a buncha people that smoke marijuana and tobacco
  6. No matter what caused it continuing to smoke will just continue to damage your lungs. Invest a few hundred dollars in a quality vaporizer or just stick to edibles. If you continue to smoke you WILL regret it one day.
  7. Yeah get a vape bro I suggest Da Buddha I have had one for 6 mths now works great.
  8. Stop smoking cigarrettes altogether and rarely touch a blunt. You need to heal up bro.

    Also substitute smoking with vaporizing. I suggest: Da Buddha, SSV, Purple Days, Vapor Genie, or VaporStar. I own the Da Buddha and will buy the Purple Days vaporizer soon.
  9. Buddy coughed up blood, got checked out by a doc and was told he had 2 huge masses in his lungs that needed to be operated on.

    Keep smoking dude, Marijuana only comes once in this lifetime:metal:
  10. :confused:
  11. #11 yourHIGHness, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2009
    Depending on how much and how you smoke your weed, I would say your Bronchitis is a result of smoking for so long when you were young. You need to quit CIGS. Just stop. Do it however you will find works best for you.

    Continue smoking weed, but dont touch joints, blunts, pipes. Smoke from a water bong or invest in a vaporizer from the money you save from quitting cigs.

    I used to have chronic bronchitis as well, untill I quit smoking cigarettes. I never had it since the 2 years I quit. I started cigs at age 11 and smoked till I was 21 on average a pack a day. I basically replaced cigs with weed. And I bought a vaporizer and some cool glass with the money I saved from cigs.

  12. i just had bornchitis a month ago from smoking.i had it so bad that it started turning into pnemonia. i was so sick and in so much pain that i quit smoking cigarettes after 5 years. but i still smoke pot and shisha.
  13. If you can't afford a vape, you could always bake up a batch of firecrackers or weed brownies.

    cutting back on those cigs would help too, smoking cigs for 6 years can't be good for you, especially since you smoked all through your adolescent years, which is obviously a
    huge developmental time.

    I'm really surprised to hear that alot of you blades have been hacking up weird shit. I've been toking daily for 5 years now and not once have i experienced any respiratory problems whatsoever, even my lung capacity hasn't gone down.

    Then again i run every morning, so maybe i just think it doesn't affect me, and i'd be alot healthier if i didn't smoke weed:p
  14. Its most likely not from smoking weed. You smoked before your body was fully developed so now your 18 but your lungs are probably looking like a 35 year olds.
    STOP CIGS, I started cigs when i was 19 and by the time i was 20 i had the same problem. I smoke weed all day everyday and have no problems since i quit smoking cigs.

    Also try to smoke danker weed, reggie or schwag is typically smoke through blunts and you have to smoke more making it the worst weed you can possible smoke.
  15. #15 Phased, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2009
    Cigs are contributing a lot to that.

    I noticed that the frequency in which I get bronchitis has reduced itself to nearly a quarter as often as I used to get it when I smoked cigarettes habitually.

    They were surprisingly easy for me to kick to the curb, but it's $8 a pack here.

    The most important thing to remember when you get bronchitis is to stop smoking! At least not as frequently as you had been previous to your new disease.

    I neglected to stop when I contracted bronchitis the first time and it further developed in to pneumonia.

    Every year around the Winter season I get my bronchitis back, but it stays away for most of the year now that I've stopped smoking cigarettes.


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