Well, I'm drunk so I decided to come on in and jam my opinion dick down your throats. Don't question things: drunk people are allowed to do this. Chris Nolan sucks. His Batman movies aren't really Batman, Memento kind of sucks and Inception is terrible. Let's discuss this. Somebody insult and/or agree with me, here. Let's have a talk.
"his batman movies aren't really Batman" Lets see.... Christopher Nolans Batman trilogy has had Gotham, Alfred, the Joker, the league of shadows, the scarecrow, catwoman, Bruce Wayne....... and oh yea, Batman. Seems like they were "batman" movies to me.
Believe me, I've been defending your point for so long that I understand how you feel. But it doesn't feel like Batman. The new Batman movies could have substituted these characters for any selection of random fill-ins and they would have been the same movies. They're missing that certain... je ne sais pas. And Heath Ledger's Joker really saved the Dark Knight in my opinion. I shudder to think how boring that movie would have been without him.
Also, the new Sherlock Holmes movies have Sherlock, Watson, and the arch nemesis Moriarty. They still don't feel like the Sherlock Holmes I know, though they don't try nearly as hard to encompass worthwhile philosophies, however short they may fall in Nolan's movies.
I have to say, I did not like Inception when I first saw it...but since then, idk I kinda like it. It mind fucks me.
Maybe I haven't smoked enough this summer. It's been dry, and these last couple months are really when I came to terms with my disappointment with the guy. Coincidence? I'd like to be as floored by his stories as I used to be, but I can't help but see through the gimmicks now.
Sorry op but I really like Nolan. Inception is a good love story. Batman begins is alright and feels like batman. TDK is just badass. The joker makes the movie absolutely love it. Haven't seen TDKR but I'm sure it's great. I thinks he's a more sophisticated and refined Michel Bay. I let you get back the not so good words about him lol.
You could say that about any movie though. I mean you could take the "avengers" out of the avengers, throw in some other random heros and you could still have the movie. take almost the exact plot of the avengers, subract the avengers and put in the xmen, or the fantastic four, or the justice league, or just some random super human characters, and it's basically be the same movie.
How dare you sir...Scarlett Johansson is an irreplaceable super hero...wait she wasn't a super hero...or was she, wtf?
Well, maybe I'm just bitter and hardened towards comic book adaptations now. My sense of excitement is gone and in its place is the soul of a complainer. On the other hand, I'd still like to argue that Nolan's Batman movies are over-talkative (and not in a productive way). They're more reliant on explaining every little idea to the viewer rather than allowing them to discover it through visual and narrative themes. Jesus, if Shakespeare continuously stuffed his motivations into the dialogue, it would have been over-expository and the art of dialogue would have suffered, just as it did in every one of Nolan's movies. But once again, I'm a crusty pessimist.
I know. I was just contrasting your point with another pop-culture franchise. She was extremely hot is what she was.
I loved his Batman movies and Inception. I only just watched Memento for the first time the other day (and i never even realised it was a Nolan movie) and I thought that was amazing. I guess i'm an even bigger fan of his than I thought I was.
I just don't like how he recycles his actors. He has like a squad for his movies. Most of his actors have been in his other movies. Bale and the guy who played Alfred are both in the prestige. Half the characters in inception are in the dark knight trilogy. Scarecrow, Tom hardy, Joseph levitt, Miranda from tdkr.
ive got a better argument here: batman is a pisspoor excuse for a super hero. i liked Batman Begins, aside from the whole part where batman is a ninja from something named so poorly its called "the league of shadows". hes got no super powers, hes just pretty good at fighting. same goes for his villains. bane is what? strong and smart, and takes a super steroid? oh noes. the joker? the dude plays sinister pranks. hes almost as bad as the riddler. i think his only superpowered villain was poison ivy and well... come on! real super heroes are sooooo much cooler. yknow.. basically any marvel superhero. you got thor, the fucking hulk, spiderman, wolverine, venom, the thing, sasquatch, the gaurdian. and shit, why does batman NEED to protect gotham? superman is in the same universe as he is, and superman is fucking awesome. he could fly up and punch bane, the joker, and every other shitty excuse for a villain once and blast a hole in their chest and be done with it.
Tdk was pretty good only cause of the joker tdkr was just boring as fuck, synchronized swimming is more entertaining than that crap.
well, this is where the comic nerd part of me comes out and has to explain that batman is a "pisspoor excuse for a superhero" because he's not a "super hero" Most comic fans don't consider Batman a "super" because he has no "super powers". Much in the same way that the Punisher from the Marvel comics has no super powers either, so most don't consider him a "super hero" but more like a vigilanti hero. Batman has plenty of "super" villians though, even if the movies haven't showed them... or showed them how they appear in the comics. Ra's Al Ghul - Has lived for centuries, even has been risen from the dead on multiple occasions by his Lazaras pits and they have given him enhanced strength, endurance, etc. Killer Croc - A giant mutant 1/2 man 1/2 gator with super human strength Clayface - a mutated man who can change his appearance and form at will. and many other less known "super" villians.
Inception was one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. Batman movies, eh. I like the older ones more, but they're still his interpretation of batman, so they're still batman movies. A better example would be the newer James bond movies, they fucking suck and aren't even close to James bond themed movies. Where are all the cool gadgets and sly things that bond does? Fuckin blasphemy yo