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Christmas morning tokes

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by zach415, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. #1 zach415, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2012
    Christmas morning bowl!!! Nice layer of Kief over the bud :)

    Attached Files:

  2. One minute until Christmas here! Im fuck.

    EDIT: Merry Christmas.
  3. Don't forget to leave your Altoids can out so stoner claus can fill it up tonight!
  4. merry christmas, get higher
  5. Gettin' kiefyyyyyyyy :bongin:
  6. Everyone post their christmas gifts ;)

  7. Dude, I'm totally gonna do this next year if I live with at least 2 other stoners haha

    I mean shit, we already did 'danksgiving'
  8. Hell yeah I mean when you have a holiday with all food you mind as well get the munchies!
  9. I'll be having a few of those Christmas morning for sure
    This will be the 4th Christmas on my own, in my lonely apartment. A day of food, Christmas specials and bud, and maybe some GC

    Sent from my iPhone using GC Forum
  10. ^ Awwwww. :( Isn't there somewhere you can go? Nobody deserves to be alone on Christmas. :cry:
  11. solution: go find a stoner chick & have a dank Christmas together smoking bong in your apartment
  12. Stonkky mangos with Some nice thc content .:bOnG:.

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  13. spent a little time opening my Christmas present (got a decent stereo) and now I'm alone in my room :/

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