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"Christmas" dank

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ziggyzong402, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. piked up some stuff my homie calls christmas it gets me pretty high. not really sure about the genetics but it smells just like a christmas tree:smoking: spent 45 for 2.7 so its not that bad enjoi

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  2. looks good but i cant really tell. maybe get a higher resolution camera or take better shots? thanks for the pics :)
  3. yea im still tryn to figure out macro mode i have a coolpixs220 so it kinda sucks. if u have any tips u should help me out tho:D and thanks for comments homie

    • Like any other photo that you take, simplify.
    • Fill the photo with your subject.
    • Sharp focus is a must.
    • Try shooting from different angles. If you’re looking for deep saturation of the colors, use front lighting. If you’d like to bring out the texture of your subject, side lighting is the way to go.
    • due to the narrow depth of field, the background will usually be thrown completely out of focus, which allows the natural background to be nice backdrop,. Just make sure you don’t have anything distracting in the back that’s recognizable

    Add rep please =)
  4. how much? and do you have some pics...i wana see what the D is
  5. #6 narehs1, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    just like 2 and ill put some pics up for you. dont know if it will work cause ive never done it
  6. I love xmas and always get it but i guess it didnt make its way into pa strongly this year cause my guy has no way of getting any. i like it cause its a "full body high" not just a "head high" it tickles and makes you laugh really hard.

    as far as i was told there is no strain just its bc bud when the first frost comes in and gets to the plant. of course this means its grown outdoors
  7. [​IMG][​IMG]

    I dont know if that worked. ive never put a picture up before
  8. it didnt work so just copy paste the link of the site i put the pic on
  9. few more pics. i think they mite do a bit more justice. tell me wat u guys think

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  10. put it on a white peice of paper or something like that
  11. better?

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  12. LOL its not that hard to tell, it's some damn good bud. Smoke it! :smoking:
  13. looks decent, I got some stuff called x-mas from a dispensary near seattle a while back, shit was cash
  14. finally got sum and its just as good as i remember
  15. 45 for 2.7, it looks like some decent bud i'd get for 10 a g around here, but i think u got jipped pree badly..

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