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Christian double standards

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by chiefMOJOrisin, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. As a few members may know, I am not a believer in the any of the 'classic' religions. However, I am an avid history lover. And whether I like it or not, religions are a huge part of history. Whether its the history of a certain religion itself, or the history of a country that was greatly influenced by religion.

    Having said that, I would like to put out there my disatisfaction with the Bible. Not as a moral guide, a religion reference, or even an icon. But with the way its contents have been handled through the years. A classic occurance in those defending religion is theri ability to twist things and look at them in a way that benefits thier point of view. With the catholic church, there have been many instances when the Vatican has attempted to 'silence' blastphemy. One excellent example is how Galeleio was persecuted and condemned by officials of the church because of his work and views on heliocentrism. As opposed to the churches belief in geocentrism. (planets around sun/everything around earth). Although heliocentrism was never 'outlawed' by the church, persay... they did their best to prevent it from floating to the surface. Basically turning the other cheek so they wouldn't have to deal with it.

    How can an organization that is based on 'truths' and stories that are supposed to be a finite guideline for everything act in such a decietful manner?? I have no referneces for this, but.... throughout the years, the church has either destroyed or hidden a lot of history they find detrimental to their case. Such as gospels by Mary Magdeline and Judas. Mary Magdeline coming off as anything but a prostitute is directly against the churches beliefs. Mary as anything else could suggest duality. Something the church has no use for. They are good and thats it. Duality suggests that evil MUST be present with good to balance out the world. A very old concept.... much older than christianity itself.

    Ancient pagans belived in duality. They belived that all their gods represent what is in every person. Even their 'negative gods' were compiled with the 'positive gods'. Simply to keep the balance. This obviously goes againt the christian, one god hypothesis. But it is ironic that several of the ancient christain churches and places of worship are merely conveted pagan temples. After all, the Roman empire was pagan until they declared christianity not illegal....and eventually adopted it as the norm.

    To me, it seem like their are too many double standards in the christian religion. The church even went as far as compiling a group of warriors to defend its principals. Most especially the routes to and from the holy land during the crusades. The Knights Templar were created by the Pope.... and then dismantled by another Pope. Simply because they had an eye for John the Baptist. Shit, there are 10+ egyptian pillars (real name starts with an 'o'... cant remeber what their called) in Rome. All with classic pagan sybols on them. The churches beginnings were taken from these types of things. I even heard somewhere that Jesus himself might have been a follower of John the Baptist.

    For me, a history buff..... I would love to have an accurate historical reference for the bible and christian religion. But their insecurities and lead to an unreliable religion. Baed on untruths and secrets. That sounds an awful lot like a cuurrupt government.
  2. The much older concept of Yin and Yang, is to me much more satisfactory an explanation, as it is rooted in balance. The dogma of christianity is never ever balanced, it's always extremes, out of control, over the top. Its the religion of the hormonal imbalance, filled with forces of magic, used to control the superstitious (faithful).

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