Choose wisely.

Discussion in 'General' started by DragonFury, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. whichever one has the best weed
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  2. Jedi definitely
  3. I've always had the dream of becoming the best pokemon trainer.
  4. Become a Jedi, duuuurr. What kind of a homosexual would choose any of the other options?
  5. To catch them is my real test and to train them is my cause
  6. Hogwarts seems the most beneficial... i can become a wizard and fuck a jedi up without coming close to him...and i can ride a cool bird thing and pretend that its a im going to have to go with that + hermione is hot
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  7. Pretty sure a Master Jedi wins against a fully trained wizard/witch/pokemon trainer.
  8. although i was never into star wars as much as the other two when i think about being a pokemon trainer, i can't really fathom it. and being a wizard doesn't sound that appealing to me atm. jedi sounds the most bad ass and you can do alot of stuff based on how you utilize your skills
  9. I can force grip that little fairy wand of yours.
  10. Jedi mind tricks=all the pussy you need
  11. If you're gonna be a jedi master, you're going to have to fight against evil and shit all the time. It'd be like being in an army. As a pokemon master however you simply wander across the country making friends, fucking bitches, and smoking weed as you catch pokemon. Not a care in the world.
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  12. Depends on if you're into the dark side or not. :smoking:

  13. Force grip my ___k and give it a pull while ur at it then Master jedi.

    lol..... to far?
  14. Jedi, i'd just do a Yoda and live in that swamp smoking my own homegrown doing fun shit with the force...
  15. Not really, considering you censored the word cock :laughing:

  16. The force would tear that thing off
  17. most everyone is going to say Jedi.

    So the real question is...

    Dark, Light, or Neutral?
  18. i want charmander idk its spelt anymore honestly dinosaur with fire tail so i never need a lighter again

  19. You don't smart off to a Jedi. That's a good way to get choked.
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