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Choice Of Papers

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Supa_Dupa, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. What papers are good, I read somewhere that Zig Zags arent as good as some people make em out to be. I use EZ Wider 1 1/2s. How are Bambu?

    what kind of papers do you use and is there a reason why?

    (i use Swishers when smoking blunts)
  2. fuck joints

    and use dutches for blunts
  3. nah man, I smoke blunts when Im in a group of people.

    if im on the dolo, i gotta rock with the papers. end smoking a lot more than If i tried to stuff a lot into one blunt.

    and all u do is just grind it, throw em in the rolling machine and your good to go.
  4. #4 chronicman00, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    stay using those 1 1/4 zig zag papes

    fun fact:i rolled some joints with zig zag papers from 1982
  5. I like the flavored pape's. Like most people..
    Blueberry, vanilla, chocolate, peach, etc.

    Joints and spliffs are my favorites.
  6. I like RAW king size and JOBS 1.5 i just think JOBS roll so nicely
  7. #7 dayvan cowboy, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
    zigzag 1/ 1/4.
  8. i usually use zig zags but recently i use a pack of joker papers i believe there called. and they are fucking massive 2 times the width of reg papers you can roll the fattest joints ever with them:smoke:
  9. <--- Orange zig zag 1&1/4

    But I do want to try other ones though. I think flavored joints would be the best thing since electricity.
  10. If your into flavored papers, give Skunkalicious ones a shot. They are super sweet, almost to the point to where you can eat them.
  11. JOBS, cheap and readily available.
  12. Zig Zag orange is where its at hombre.
  13. Rizla is your only man...

    Attached Files:

  14. Agreed. I always go for the green rizla. Tried loads of papers but always go back to green rizla!
  15. Cheap as hell and can hold it self when you push it while compacting, this paper can take a load. And its the perfect thickness.

    Attached Files:

  16. King sized anything, why smoke a J if its not Bob Marley sized?
  17. I use Club papes, they don't have any gum on them
  18. zig zags all the way. if i am feeling like i want flavor then i will go for some juicy jays strawberry or blueberry. mmmmm tasty.
  19. zig zag king size oranges are my fav. easy as hell to roll a tight ass joint.
  20. Orange zig zag 1 1/4 always. But my favorite flavored paper is juciy jays green apple mmmm. I havent seen them since i was in high school though .:(

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