My first grow how does she look? The bottom pics are of her a couple weeks older Peace! XRAP More pics of her right before I put her into 12/12 what do you think?
Was so close to accuiring some 'lope beans but to no avail. Keep an update. By the way Your plant needs some nitrogen ferts, just a little
Thanks for the reply, bummer on the beans...what nitrogen fert do you suggest for my little queen?And thanks for the help, why do you think she need nitogen fert?I am first time grower and do not want to hurt this strain that I was very,very lucky to get.
Hey there, usually when leaves start turning a bit yelloe it means they are lacking in Nitrogen. But the pics might just make it look that way
She grew so fast I took her out of veg and she is now in her second day of 12/12 wet, what do you think no water for like 6-7 days?
Well woke her up day 3 of 12/12 and she was looking pretty, so I took 4 clones and she grew almost and inch in the dark....what do you think feed back on my first Chocolope grow please?
Here are a few more pics and a few of her friends peace! There is a a little yellowing on leaves caused by my camera. Peace
So my brother...Tell me what the 3 small plants are? They look very healthy... The plants in the Hydro dome...are they growing at all? Any root growth yet? The flouros in your closet can be a lot closer to your plants...1" wouldn't hurt. Did you move your Journal over to the Indoor grow joural? CHOCOLOPE is looking sweet and healthy ...keep up the good work and move those light closer if they plant can handle it... Kakaa...see you soon. and bring that cloning gel and FFBB...Thanks.
Some pics day 6 12/12 and she loves the hps 250 the #150 hps I have is just a side bonus but is air cooled and hot.... any thoughts would be cool? And how do you think she is looking peace