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Chocolate Chunk

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Yogurt, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. A friend said he was going to sell me some chocolate chunk, 4 grams for $40.

    How is chocolate chunk? Dank? Is the deal good? Wrong forum?

  2. Sound too good to be true for AZ prices. Unless of course he's growing it or knows the grower.
    I would be skeptical if otherwise.
  3. dddank.
    I'd stock up.
  4. Hmm...

    he's never ripped me off before, but it did seem almost too good to be true.

    Not that extreme though.
  5. idk, I'm on a shit ton of valium right now, and my gut instinct tells me it either won't be chocolate chunk, or it will be and it won't be grown too well. But I have no idea what the hell your situation is so I guess I have no frame of reference. So in a nutshell I'm really not even entitled to an opinion.

    Good luck, and enjoy!:smoking:
  6. Buy a gram.
    See whatsup, if its legit come back for lots.
    Simple, effective solution.
  7. Listen up, in most cases (when it comes to "black market" deals), if it sounds too good to be true, then it really is! If you dont know the person enough to trust them, and I'm saying when your balls are on the line, then be cautious and skeptical.....or things could really go bad for you....

    An illegal game can bring all types of fouls, if you catch the rythm of the game, then you would understand that.

    All things considered, let us know whats up.

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