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Chocolate Chunk goodness

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Yogurt, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. A friend said he was going to sell me some chocolate chunk, 4 grams for $40.

    How is chocolate chunk? Dank? Is the deal good? Wrong forum?

    Thanks brooosss.

  2. I have never heard of such a strain but if it's dank then $40 for 4 grams is a good deal.
  3. depends on the batch you got and who/where you got it from.
    names don't mean shit compared to where it came from
  4. Chocolate Chunk? Sounds like some ice cream to me.
  5. Ugh, everyone thinks I'm talking about bud cause I buy in grams.


    No jk.
  6. and don't worry tons of us here have heard of chocolate chunk haha
    i could probably go find the seeds right now online
  7. Chocolate chunk is pretty good strain, definately worth what your paying!
  8. Wrong forum.

    I was expecting this:

  9. I've heard of chocolate chunk in my area but honestly I think it's homegrown tyring to be passed off as name brand. But if it's dank that buy it for 10 a g.
  10. I'm currently growing Deep Chocolate Chunk X Strawberry cough, this cut is supposed to be AAA Medical grade. I'll know for sure in about 11 more weeks.
  11. Does anyone else want to eat a chocolate chip cookie now?? :smoking:
  12. Yes.....
  13. I knew I wouldnt be the only one :laughing::smoking:

  14. This thread was an extreme let down. :smoking:
    Though now I am curious about the strain; guess I'll have to check it out next time I order through Attitude. I'm guessing Sativa-based?

    Cookies sexing weed = win?
  15. dont buy anything by name man look at it and if it looks good in crystally nugs whatever brand it is doesnt really matter dank is dank no matter wut they call it
  16. It matters what ratio of Indica/Sativa they have.

    You're right about weed bought on the street though, unless you know the grower directly a strain name is just a name.

    You won't really know until you smoke it, but you can make judgment calls based on looks/smell.

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