Should I make Chocolate bacon cake or Chocolate bacon cookies for a guy? I like the cookies idea because they are portable. With cake you have to get a fork and plate which equals dishes. I do however think the cake will be more fun to bake because I get to frost it and everything. What do you guys think? I only have a couple hours until I will have to start making it. I will post a picture once I'm done : ) I just hope that his tummy is impressed.
Neither, make maple syrup donuts with bacon on top But between the other two.. I think cake would be better
dont get me wrong i love some bacon, cake, and cookies. but together..... thats terrible!! back to the cook book!
I think it's a winning combination. It doesn't seem like its the most tasty but it's gonna be awesome. Have you ever had pig candy? It's bacon covered in brown sugar? Damn it's delicious.
I didn't know bacon and cake went together until you made this thread to be honest. Usually I forget about cooking when I'm stoned so I stopped doing it.
I'm more of a bacon fan than a chocolate fan actually. The chocolate is simply complimenting the bacon.
I'm not sure how that would work out because there's mayo and lettuce and tomato. I don't think that would work will with chocolate. BUT, you seem like an adventurous girl so go for it.