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Chitown Dankssss My pickups! HQ Check your swag!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Destroyer101, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 Destroyer101, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
  2. I think ive gotten some of this bud too which i think came from the northside.

    Eather way, im jelous wanna smoke :)?
  3. nice to see others have found the dank, how much are you paying if you don't mind me asking?
  4. nice herbas senor
  5. jw how much do you pay for a zip? im from the south side
  6. i think chicago is second to cali on the dank side.. no doubt..
  7. #7 Destroyer101, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    350 for an oz from sir danks
    375 if i gotta go elsewhere

    But yeah Im gonna keep updating this thread,
    This is all the bud I can find, nothing of lesser quality
    It seems like the games been switching up in chicago

    I did some light editing on these in photoshop what you think?

  8. lookin good man. love the doodle sheet too. dude dude, what the fuck! haha
  9. haha yeah, thanks!

    This girl i worked with drew that for me haha she said she could draw, i dont know bout that tho


    thats my old grinder and i got a new piece, ill have to update you guys with the new shit
  10. my dad has the same scale as you, he got it from roxi's

  11. This Guy:laughing: wow:cool:
  12. #14 KSimms4200, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    so i was looking back through these pics and i have a couple of questions.

    1, in the second pic of the first post, did you just buy that car or are you bout to burn it down in the dealership parking lot? lol

    2, second to last pic of that same post.... is that a foot with 4 toes?? lol.... been staring at it for a while, looks like a sleeve and could be a hand, but the fingers would be too short. haha

    sort that out for me someone.:p

    i got you
    ok so
    1.) my friends dad owns a dealership, and his dad just has him drive around dealer cars till someone wants to buy it, so we just burn down in his car all the time he gets free gas!

    2.) my guy had his hand on a kitchen counter his thumb is resting on the underside of the counter
  14. this what I like to seeeeeee... Chicago game changing up.. and changing for the better too.. I think its cuz of the more LED light setups that are spreading.. People are able to grow with more confidence.... :) Life is good.

  15. haha right on man... that hand was freaking me out dude.

    new bud looks bomb!

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