this one is a tangerine leaning pheno and its fire i smoked about a dime in a joint after drying it and damn im still high asf and im used to smoking alot of indica doms or hybrids and the high is purely sativa. heres her a few days before chop
I've always wondered what would happen if u left em in 12 12 and removed all the flowers. Most fruit plants and flowered plants regrow new heads. I wonder if weed does... SOUR DIESEL AND GHOST TRAIN HAZE before the gg4 crosses start to go in. SOUR DEISEL, STRAWBERRY HAZE first run to test before the gorilla glue #4 go in!
oh yes i can confirm my outdoor dreamcatcher and chinook haze are regrowing themselves with more bud sites than before its crazy
Seeeeee this is what im wanted to know.... U got any pics of them before u harvested and now mate? SOUR DIESEL AND GHOST TRAIN HAZE before the gg4 crosses start to go in. SOUR DEISEL, STRAWBERRY HAZE first run to test before the gorilla glue #4 go in!
sativa pheno is the first pic this sweet smelling more indica style pheno was my favorite yield half oz in a 2 liter bottle lol and the 1 gallon container sativa dom yielded 25 grams