Chinese New Year

Discussion in 'General' started by coloradomountainman, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. okay it has been five fucking hours and they are STILL lighting off fireworks non-muthafucking-stop, i can't sleep and i'm tired of this shit. why does this have to go on ALL week?:devious:

    idk i'm just quite confused:confused:

    but i will just sit back and watch it all:smoke::smoke:


    Happy New Year:p
  2. That's where I need to be
  3. i like that there is different new years around the world.

    my nationalities one was a a week or two ago. even though i celebrate the 31st/1stjan

    maybe when i get older ill travel and celebrate 3 or however many new years there are:p
    that would be sickkk
  4. It goes on forever OP. They light off those damn fireworks for eternity.

    When I visited it was during the olympics (I didn't go see them though, the timing just worked out that way) and one morning there was what sounded like mortar exploding next door. I almost shit myself and was bolt upright. I was sleeping but nooooo, chinese people don't approve of sleeping in I guess.

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