China to be surrounded by US stealth jets by 2017 Sounds like Obama is picking a fight with china, you don't point a gun at someone out of friendship.
The US can never do anything to China because China can crush the US economically overnight if they wanted to. All this Pacific pivot bullshit is just political theater to cover up the real reason for seemingly nonsensical military expansion, i.e., corporate interests.
All of the US military intervention has been done to ensure the USD keeps the status as world reserve currency. When nations are required to trade for oil in USD, all nations have USD in their portfolio to make sure they can always afford this commodity. This includes China. China has lots of USD on hand to make sure they can always afford oil to keep their rate of development high. So China will not, for the foreseeable future, "economically crush" the US. It will take years for them to diversify their portfolio or convince people to trade for oil in a currency outside of the USD, which means they will continue to rely on the US currency.
China's biggest enemy is their own government. It remains to be seen what they will choose to do. China is still the underdog in this fight. They can't economically crush the US without first crushing themselves.
I didn't say they would, I said they could. Also China doesn't sit on piles of USD reserves in order to purchase oil. They do it because there isn't anything to buy in America that they want. So they just buy treasuries and sit on them. It's the same reason many countries buy lots of US bonds and do nothing with them. As far as oil it's not hard to use other things besides the USD. China already pays for some of their oil with things other than the USD. India and China both made bilateral deals with Iran to get around the US sanctions. The Indians are paying for oil from Iran with both Rupees and gold. The world is steadily moving away from the USD and moving towards hard money. The grip that the US has on world monetary policy is weakening by the day, and isn't as strong as you think it is.
They wouldn't crush themselves. How would that happen? They would need a restructuring in order to shift their target markets, but that's it. America needs a far more massive restructuring that will take much more time to accomplish. China is on a far more sound footing economically than the US is.
Indeed, like in every society found today, the government is the people's greatest enemy. China is much more economically stable than the US. Their productivity crushes the US mainly because they (a communist country) have less regulation and government intervention. You see people protesting cheap, China-made products that are found in Wal-Mart, and I can't understand why. (they even claim that Chinese products are more likely to be toxic, etc., all baseless assumptions based on no evidence/statistics). The US trade-deficit increases day by day and the only reason our standard of living is still so good is because of the Chinas of the world. Our productivity is a complete sham in the US and we create absolutely nothing (except for fake, fiat dollars). This is completely unsustainable and has to crash eventually.
seriously... you think china is more stable...really... Youve been drinking the kool aid....Even in our situation right now.. we have the strongest economy....That is a fact...
Stop moderating my posts and go read an economics book dude, jesus. edit: reminds me of POLICE, statist indeed
fuck your 45 years old johnny.. Im talking from experience, not out my ass... Your police comments are pety Think youll ever get over it,..
45 year old hypocrite then apparently by calling what i said "drinkin that koolaid" and then giving no evidence as to why. Statist creeper.
America has been living beyond its means with ever escalating debt and trade deficits. It's false prosperity, and it will come to an end soon. China on the other hand has real productivity, real savings, real sacrifice, etc. Their economy is much better fundamentally than the US.
and how much products do americans use that are made in china yeah,great idea to piss the country off that makes the majority of things people in the united states use more of that "hope and change" for ya
yeah,but i doubt that "end" will be a positive end it will probably end up being something like greece,where we relize that we cant just have an infinite amount of money
There will be some pain. We are currently living beyond our means. When we eventually live within our means we will find out just how bad our economy has truly become.
China economy is in the shape its in because of us. The usa buys a huge percentage of what they produce, If we didnt thier economy would be shit quick, Why do you think they lent us money. GDP Gross Domestic Product Projections 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, Courty Profiles - Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System, Flags, Ma that link shows a lil of what Im saying.. yes as of now we have a huge def, but like I said.. We buy so much from them if we were to start bringing those jobs back they would crash quick.
I love how our military and gov is stuck in a cold era arms race against an enemy that doesn't even exist as a state enemy. Terrorism is a non-state enemy. (Though the FBI and CIA are starting to swap funding for domestic use instead of international because there just isn't that many terrorists left - meaning those departments are starting to focus their energy domestically ..not in a positive way but in a creepy, overextended, militaristic, surveillance way. to catch "domestic terrorists" which practically are non-existent but are "becoming" more so common with blanket definitions like, "sovereign citizens" what a load of crap. ) china isn't our enemy, but we want to lock them in a surveillance state. Okay, so what will happen when china wants to put drones over our skies for the same reason?? Fucking fuck drones, technology is too much for our feeble ass monkey brains. We automatically abuse it. Ban all of them except for scientific research and harmless scientists.