
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by KingTut, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Are FUUUUUUUCKED UP man. I'm watching Monsterquest right now and holy shit are they messed up. Seriously WTF. This guy gets attacked by his pet Chimp, on its B-day no less, and gets his dick gnawed on, his face re-worked like an aging Hollywood starlet and his Spine FUBAR'd to the point of being Paralyzed and in a wheelchair. WTF!

    Fuck Chimpanzees they're fuccing assholes. The fact that they're only 2% away DNA-wise from being Human just makes it worse.
  2. #2 TheDankery, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2011
    Yeah Chimps can be assholes sometimes, but the media always depicts them as friendly and cute, like Curious George. That's all a lie.

    But I can't lie, sometimes when I get cut off in traffic and I have to slam on my brakes, I get an urge to go Bakersfield Chimp on somebody
  3. Hmmmm, maybe they don't make very good pets?
  4. #4 clos3tgrow3r, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2011
    not trying to be a buxxkill or anything.. but if theyre trying to fuck your shit up chimps go straight for your nuts and RIP THEM OFF:eek:

  5. ^ tis true
  6. What about all the times that they DONT attack and hurt people?
  7. Yeah, Fuck chimps.
  8. That is why you shouldn't have WILD animals as pets. They are called wild for a reason. Darwinism at its finest!!!!
  9. Yeah... might sound harsh but he kinda had it coming.
  10. This is why, i don't go to the zoo. I don't want shit thrown at me. Fuck that.
  11. Ha, last time I went to a Zoo the Chimps got all pissed and threw shit at this one lady :laughing:
  12. EXACTLY why i don't go to the zoo.
  13. I go to the zoo and throw shit at the chimps
  14. Can you get a primate high?

    If so I don't want a Capuchin.

  15. Chimps are really aggressive and violent...not a good pet at all. Bonobos on the other hand are equally related to us (bonobos and chimps have a common ancestor), yet they are a very peaceful, social animal, and they solve their problems with sex rather than violence.

    Go Bonobos.
  16. [​IMG]

    does this count as nudity?:laughing:

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