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chillums question.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. do you have to smoke chillums with it in your knuckles to cool the smoke or whatever?

    because im thinking about just getting a little chillum/one hitter and want to know if i can just hold it and light like a joint if you get what im saying thanks
  2. hold it however the hell ya want, i mainly use ym chillum on the disc golf course, its stealthy.
  3. no... one end has weed the other you put your mouth on.....what is holding it doesnt could use your toes:smoke:
  4. Chillums are nice. I smoke mine like a j. Works well and really smooth.
  5. I smoke mine a s J when its just me...but if we're passing it around we smoke it through our hands
  6. I usually hold it in the area between the thumb and forefinger. Allows for some wind cover. And if someone happens to see me, it doesn't look like I'm hooting crack.

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