Children Ate Pot Brownies at elementary school

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by retreat, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. This would just add more data for the Anti-MMJ movement to use against us.
  2. This is honestly pretty terrible. How did the kid get the brownies in the first place? Did his parents give it to him? I honestly believe the parents should be charged either for giving their kids the brownies or child neglect. If you had made a fresh batch of weed brownies, and find out they're gone when you sent junior to school, would you not rush to the school and try to get them back? Something is really odd here.
  3. i think that if they tell the children about it wrong they will end up just remembering this moment as something bad and when they go into high school they mite be more open to other drugs
  4. Flavored cigarettes were banned in the crusade of children's health.
    As a concession to full legalization you will have to kiss your pot brownies goodbye.
  5. You don't give marijuana to a fucking 10 year old.


    I swear, some of you are sipping that marijuana Kool-Aid too much.

    This is why marijuana legalization is such a difficult process, because a lot of stupid people partake in marijuana/have views on marijuana that are not backed by science or rationality and make the rest of us look bad.
  6. #46 Julius Caesar, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2013
    Please tell me you are being sarcastic :confused:

    If anyone has never heard the "Cop calls 911 after eating pot brownies" emergency call it is hilarious

  7. Yeah I sorta do agree because in able to be reasonable, you need to connect the points in a rational matter.
  8. What if the kid has an anger disorder?
    Still no? I thought cannabis was used as medicine, regardless of age.

    Recreational use is a choice to be made in a later time however... because of basic ignorance

  9. just wondering if you realize that nearly every one of your posts on here are you claiming that you are this hyper rational, near emotionless person, while deriding all others as sensitive and hysterical.

  10. Have you been spying on me? Both is important, not just one or the other they both have their important uses same with the left and the right hemisphere.

  11. That sounds like this guy!
  12. LOL I don't see why I'm the target, there are other INTJ's in the forum.
  13. #53 Digu Miki, Mar 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2013
    Wtf why are people saying shit like "oh whatever its just weed and they're 10 they'll be fine." Is everybody really ignoring the fact that this kid drugged them? They weren't aware of what was in the brownies. Its the same as someone slipping a roofie. Not as serious, but the basis is the same. That little shit should have gotten all the blame instead of the whole gang getting in trouble.

    And wtf how can you say it should be necessary for children to experience weed? This is the exact shit the anti-drug people want. There is a reason that medical marijuana is for 18+ only (with the exception of certain cases of children who use medical.)

  14. you're always bringing that up too...the personality type.

    you give me the creeps!

    the creeps i tell you!

  15. These kids were not in a spiritual setting.
    These kids were not intelligent or spiritually enlightened enough to use marijuana properly.
    These kids were fucking drugged by another student. They weren't taking marijuana knowingly and willingly.

    If these kids had psychological disorders, that's even less of a reason to do pot.


  16. Not as creepy as this bizarre scarred image that you're eyes are about to focus on

  17. I'm not in the least bit advocting for the uncontrolled and unknown drugging of any 10 year old, but...

    We know it will not harm these kids in any way, and is no threat to their lives but people still make a big fuss about it. The kids always are sent to the hospital like they are under real threat by policies to promote fear and emphasize the dangers and evils of Medical and recreational pot. These kids have no idea what it is like to be high and they didn't plan on it so they are just freaked out, then a few have nausea that for once isn't caused by school food or viruses. Point blank the chocolate in these brownies is more dangerous if given to children at random.
  18. Parents of the Year award. (Sarcasm.)

    Silver lining: there were much worse things the kid could have brought to school that could have had DEADLY outcomes.
  19. Didn't say they were.
    Didn't say they were.
    Didn't say they weren't.
    Psychological disorders are very different from each other. Shizophrenia is an example of a illness that is a no bueno situation when cannabis comes into contact because it may trigger an episode.
    I'm not saying kids should "do pot" fuck yeah blaze it 420.... no. I'm saying that cannabis is a medicine that helps to aid those in need rather than poisoning them and completely numbing their rational like a lot of the pharma
  20. Had to get stoned and 'likes' (thank you) to re-find this area! Funny stuff. The humor here is making my Skywalker into a flywalker.:hello:

    The media seemed to be "kind" on reporting this event.:hello:

    With graduation around the corner: It will be one of the most exciting and happiest day for many families and for some..the saddest. Watching graduates OD on alcohol and absolutely nothing, anyone can do!

    While reading the posts, I realized, the exciting news of this ordeal is: After the fact, no more facts were given in subsequent TV reports.

    I haven't, or it has not been sensationalized, of What was Done To The Parents? Jail? what?

    The TV or paper, has said nothing at all on the subject. I am wondering if the kid that took this stuff to school was related to the Mayor or something!

    No reports of parental 'jailing' or anything!!! That is what is friggin INCREDIBLE HERE! And if they were, it has not been in the news. Unless, it was in the town news there?

    I am liking the fact that, it was not used for major anti-marijuana propaganda!!! Totally amazing! :eek:

    A friend of mine, years ago, waiting until her twin sons were 16 and 'enlightented' them on that birthday. That was 20 years ago: One is a Pharmacist and the other (i forgot..but doing well). Neither have ever used drugs or mmj. I am certain, in a time of serious disease, they will not shy from using it for treatment!

    back to the topic, sorry--stoned: Apparently, the kid took One Big brownie to school. And only one Bag of pot in his backpack. Or, he only had one left. I am not reading any reports he 'sold' each bite or anything like that.

    No speculation on what disease, if any, of the parents in the home. This amazes me; not one speculation or report of WHERE he received or took the marijuana from?

    anyone know? speculation, always welcome.:p ret

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