Child Killed For Refusing To Marry Muslim Father's 52 Year Old Cousin

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SoCalPatient, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Damn. So what is this, just another "isolated" incident?
  2. Another one bites the dust
  3. I see Obama isn't the only one killing innocent people in Pakistan.
  4. Don't worry guys, It's just the religion of peace:rolleyes:
  5. hopefully she'll at least get the 40 virgins or whatever. if thats how it works.

  6. Nah, in reality she's just been robbed of her life(by her own father!) after 14 short years. She will cease to exist all thanks the Religion of Peace.:mad:
  7. World would be much better off if we got rid of the ridiculousness of organized haven't we as a species figured this shit out yet?
  8. yea some of these religous guys are hardcore.

    [ame=]YouTube - Man Accused of Beheading Wife Pleads Not Guilty[/ame]
  9. Politically correct nonsense. ISLAM is the problem. All these "moderate" muslims you see are just that, BAD muslims. They are not following the Quran. For when one follows the Quran, one becomes violent and extreme. The same is not said for Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Sihkism, Jainism, Catholicism, etc..

  10. So if someone was to follow the Bible word for word, or the Torah, you wouldn't see ridiculous slayings like this? Anywhere? Not one extremist or, even worse, a whole sect of extremists on the entire face of this Earth would ever commit something like this? Ever?



    Pics or it didn't happen
  11. It's too easy to blame religion. This everything to do with lack of human rights, not religion.
  12. What racist nonsense.
  13. yea that seems a little off bc arent therre like a billion fucking muslims. and only like a million of them are starting shit.... so it doesnt seem fair. i mean even if they are practicing the shitty version, theyre the majority right.
  14. Pure, unadulterated bullshit. By your standards, even the Westboro baptist church would be considered "bad" Christians. Do I need to start rattling off bible verses?

    It's undeniable that Islamic extremism and the violence that spawns from it is currently far more prevalent than that of any other religion, and it is not even close. BUT to say that this is because Islam is somehow "worse" than Christianity is absolutely ignorant. Ever heard of a little thing called the crusades?

    Islamic extremism has only been an issue for the past 30 years or so and first started gaining momentum towards the end of the Cold War. It was also fully supported by the United States in those beginning stages due to their common enemy of the Soviet Union. That's right, we sponsored terrorism in Southern Africa and allied with the fundamentalist Mujaheddin in Afghanistan.

    Islamic extremism is a result of oppressive regimes suppressing human rights, crazy high poverty rates, and a lack of decent education in the Arab world. Just like most Christians don't follow a strict literal interpretation, most Muslims do the same with the Quran. However, the unstable and impoverished state of the Arab world creates a perfect environment for religious extremists to gain influence. It goes SO much deeper than this and there is a ton more to discuss, and I hope you will do some research on your own.

    Personally, I think that all organized religion is a threat to society. I want to be clear....I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE ISLAM and condemn the actions of all fundamentalists. But again, I reject the notion that Islam is somehow worse than Christianity. It's a matter of circumstance, not ideology. If Christianity was the prominent religion of the Arab world and Islam that of the western world, you would be singing a very different tune. We would be talking about Christian extremists rather than Muslim extremists.

  15. Religion = race.... :rolleyes:
  16. He was referring to the fact that the majority of Muslims are Arab.
  17. So this is in the Politics section why?

    Because there's no Bash Islam subforum?

    Because this is a good reason for us to be going broke in Afghanistan?

    Because this kind of thing never happens in the US?

    14 year olds never get molested by Christians?

    14 year olds never get molested and killed in the America?

    Lame thread.
  18. Here we go with the whining from the usual suspects when they don't like the topic or opinions being discussed. Why the mods continue to let you trolls add absolutely nothing to the forum is beyond me. Everyone who's honest knows that if this thread were about Catholic priests or Christians, you would be one of the firs to join the circle jerk.

    Why do you feel the need to whine for Islam? Why don't you refute the points with actual facts instead of your little emotional outbursts? I know I'm not alone in thinking your posts and attitude are not only lame, but also contributing to a downward spiral of the forums.
  19. #19 dubaba, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Have you read the bible? If all christians followed the bible down to every last word, peoples heads would be rolling left and right. Should all Chrisitians be judged by the actions of christian extremists like Timothy McVeigh. All the hate on muslims is just a racist tactic used to make our war on terrorism more acceptable. Its been used in almost every american war like WW2 and racism against the Japs, and you sir have fallen for it.
  20. Look at these fine peaceful christian men


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