Chickens outta here...'' goodbye'' grasscity it's been good,, love you all

Discussion in 'General' started by chicken, Feb 1, 2011.


    thats way too much time on the city....

    you blades get too much of my time,,, so im going to retreat myself,, to my dogs,, and chickens,, and my garden,,,,and chasing women,,,and growing weed,,,and smoking weed,,,,


    unless someone can convince me to change my mind,,, and continue with my regular posts of idiocy<--------------:cool:


    or will it be,,,,


    stay or,,, gtfo... and tend to your birds,, fool...:cool:
  2. We



  3. WHAT?!

    No... you aren't allowed to leave, man. Stop trollin us.
  4. salute man
    its been a good run
    you will not be forgotten
    stay high :smoke:
    and remember the doors always open if you decide to come back

  5. dont you dare fuckin go anywhereee
  6. Wish you'd stay, but I can understand why you'd want to leave. Hard to tear yourself away from this shit when you've got stuff to do. Good luck and all that happy horse shit if you decide to jet.
  7. Seriously when i read chickens outta here and goodbye


    You cant fucking leave man
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOO CHICKEN!! Who will we look up to in times of doubt indeed a chicken nugget may not be golden but is it not still a nugget!? Madness i say!

    O chicken with your cluk clac here and your clak twak there
    With your skinny orange chopstick legs of swiftness
    And your bags of dank
    Why o why must i explain more... :smoke:
  9. You're one of my favorite posters man. It's like, you're shit don't make sense, but it makes perfect sense. You are an enigma my friend, and GC would not be the same without you.
  10. in soviet russia, you leave chicken!

    in all seriousness, you can't leave.. because the next person will be saying

    which isn't as good as
  11. I just learned to hum and whistle at the same time

  12. I love doing that!
  13. try walking and talking :D
  14. 6 years and 9,000 posts? good ratio to me.

    not like some people

  15. What would morning coffee be without some chicken bakin' to go with it?
  16. too high to walk
  17. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but why again are you leaving?

    You aren't....chicken, are you?

    Bawk, bawk, bawk....:D:D:D:D
  18. Damn man you're a big part of why I lurk around here,but if you gotta go...see ya man
  19. Chicken

    stfu. u lil biatch.

    sit down

    be comfortable

    then make a youtube video.

    mention me in said video

    then rinse and repeat. also show some cleavage in said utube vid

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