Im new here and I want some info about growing organic . Is chicken manure something that I can use?? Making a tea of it and water the plants? happy for some help!
i dont know much about organic growing but i use chicken manure every year outdoors its great stuff man its a must for me
Me too, I build gardens at summer time, the soil we buy (in tons) for planting has natural chicken manure, it smells but the effect on the plants are incredible!!!!
in tons? you must be growing lots i normally buy it by itself and mix it up with the dirt in the ground, have you used fishbark on top for feeding?
Ok, we know a soil producer (for comersial sale, companys and stuff) He sell one ton of super soil for 10 € a ton, we fill our truck with 10m2 is about 13 tons for 130€, then we mix it up with humus, to make it fluffy. This is for "normally cultivation of vegetabiles".........
If you use manure in your soil mix you want the mix to "cook" for at least a month so that it starts to break down and doesn't burn your plants. Get a big rubermaid or trash can...mix it all up and add a galon or two of water (depending on how much soil you need) give it a good mix or turn a few times during that period.
Yeah I saw hen manure in my local nursery next to the worm castings. they cost the same and the bag had a fert rating of 1-1-1, where the worm castings had none. I knew all about the benefits of castings and knew almost nothing about the hen manure so I just picked up the castings. But if everyone is saying this is good stuff then i'm willing to invest.
I know a chap who just bought a tub . Got a small bit off him . The smell is BLODDY AWFUL ........but ....... .....great for plants , and also , an open tub of chicken manure pellets near the plants would disguise other powerful odours . As the other chap said .....Id advise mixing it with compost and allowing it to break down for a month or so before adding it to the plants . I hear MORE AND MORE that growers wont touch their plants with any artificial chemicals . The natural fertillisers make a big difference to the quality . ----------- QUESTION ; auto-flowering strains (flowers after 50 days ) ? Is there much need to go 12/12 if its going to flower anyway ? Another QUESTION ; .... Is Perlite that has become dust (eg at bottom of the bag) any use ? Id have thought that if its dust , that it defeats the purpose . I have a bag full , and its almost ALL perlite dust rather than granules
Everybody that grows autoflower says they see best results ~ 18/6 light cycle for the whole life of the plant. Autoflowering plants are called so, because they are not photoperiod plants. (They don't have life cycles based on amount of sunlight.) With photoperiod plants (normal cannabis), flowering doesn't occur until the Fall and we change our inside light-systems to mimic this seasonal change (changing to 12/12 light cycle e.g.). Autoflowering plants are not photoperiod plants, and lighting is not what dictates flowering, they're genetically programed to flower after a certain point in maturity. Short answer: Is there much need to go 12/12? No if its going to flower anyway ? Yes These answers can easily be found google searching. And manure is best when allowed to age/cook after a while. I believe chicken manure is best after aging for about a year. The ammonia needs time to break down and the nutrients don't immediately have a high bioavalibility. Mix some carbon source, wood chips, straw etc. with the manure and let it compost for a while and you'll have yourself some rich humus.
I use chicken manure for tomato and pepper plants all the time. To be honest, you don't even have to compost it. I've successfully used dried and powdered chicken manure in my soils for supplying nitrogen and phosphorous to tomato/pepper plants, in quantities up to about 1/4 of the soil being nothing but manure. In fact, all my vegetable and fruit plants are in a soil consisting of potting soil, chicken manure and worm castings.. For the most part. For stuff like tomatoes, just get some and let it dry out, then mix it into the soil. I generally take 1 gallon of sifted chicken manure powder to the 5 gallon bucket of potting soil. I don't know how it'd take with cannabis, but if it works for my garden... This is the most active of the organic soil threads.. It's a good place to start.. Keep in mind the recipe isn't set in stone.. you don't need to find it all .. short a few ingredients won't matter all that much.. you can substitute more alfalfa for missing kelp meal.. A simple basic soil can be done from locally found items from either Lowes or Home Depot.. Promix sphagnum peat.. Eco Scraps compost.. Composted chicken manure.. Perlite.. Worm castings.. Alfalfa pellets or meal.. pet supply.. rabbit or guinea pig chow.. Bone and blood meal can be found at both HD or Lowes.. some use it some don't.. That will get you started.. Kelp meal can be found at horse feed suppliers if you have a tack and feed store near.. Rock dust you'd likely need to order.. like.. jerrys great source thread
I use one bag of schutzmann farms chicken shit for every 100 gallons of soil. So like the 400 gallonsim doing i top dress with 4 bags.
It's one of my humus sources. I use a mix of local nut compost, chicken manure (composted), and EWC to obtain a humus mix. This goes into my base of 30% humus, 30% aeration, and 30% promix.
hell yeah, diversity is key I got worm castings, mendo forest humus, chicken manure, and a compost blend sourced locally in my mix.
Diversity is definitely better. Love that area RD. I used to hang in the backside of Potter Valley towards the forest. Worked in Ukiah all the way down to Bakersfield.