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chewing stems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. does it do anything? when i first started smoking my friend [pretty ignorant kid, and refuses to listen to anything i say cuz "hes smoke longer" just a pretty big asshole] anyway he used to say if you chew the stem [while smoking, and/or after] it gets you higher.

    but now im not stupid when it comes to weed and i realize that THC is only activated by heat from what ive heard.

    so that means chewing on the stem will do nothing right? since you cant just eat a bag of weed and get high. :confused:
  2. It won't get you higher, I used to chew them for the taste, but that's really all they are good for.
  3. chewing stems does nothing but give you Chronic bad breath
  4. yes the stem just tastes good nothing more
  5. LOL Chronic bad breath...

    anyways yeah, theres nothing really to do with them. If you chew them its more or less just for the weed gum.
  6. nope. its just a thing people think. its like a farmer with a some straw in his mouth
  7. Chewing stems will not do you anything.
  8. this ain't coca leaves, your friends a tard.
  9. #9 Pink Cashmere, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    See I view the plant as a huge resource even the stem! You should save all of your stem into a flastic bag. Then once you accumulated enough to fill a teabag full of them, empty a teabag and then fill it with a little herbs/spices along with the stems and have some stem tea! It may not get you too high but it does taste great when your baked! :hello:
    • Like Like x 1

  10. This. They taste good...but other than being used for green dragon theyre useless
  11. I just put em in my mouth sometimes but not chew em. even putting them in my mouth, after i think its disgusting
  12. Contrary to popular belief, this is actually a very common myth. How would we have discovered her effects if this was the case? I'm pretty sure the first ever stoned animal didn't have a toaster or microwave/oven lying around :rolleyes:

    You actually could, you just need ALOT of it if you're eating raw, just vegetable matter... but it would be preferable if you mix HQ bud with something that has a high fat content (as THC is very fat-soluble) so it binds better and your stomach doesnt just disregard all that cellulose...

    To answer the OP's original question though, everytime I'm choppin up, as I'm de-steming the bud, I always chew it and keep it under my tounge... all my friends say that I'm weird for not just tossing it out the window, but I appreciate every last tiny atom of the precious Holy bud :hello: Can't let any of it go to waste brotha!! You might actually catch a nice little buzz if you chew enough of some dankkkk stems :D:wave: :bongin:
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  13. Save those stems and make QWISO
  14. i put my stems in a medicine container and let the kief build up over time, after a while you can get a hit or two from it haha but other than that not too much use, stems dont contain THC, the resin just collects on the stems (could be wrong but im pretty sure haha)
  15. alright, i know he was wrong now since he never is usually right but acts like he knows everything about bud, when he doesnt. and i hope you guys didnt mis understand me, not chewing but sucking on it, i didnt mean like crunching on the stem then swallowing it.

    sorry but it seemed like someone thought thats what i meant.
  16. Does natta man.

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