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Chest pain while taking deep breaths - bts a bad idea?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by misha_val, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hey, so yesterday I started feeling some weird symptoms. It hurt to breath, my throat/neck hurt when I swallowed, my neck was very sore, I felt nauseous, no appetite. So naturally I went to the hospital and they said everything seemed fine, just a cold. He also took a throat swab just in case and I'll get the results on Monday

    Now today most of those symptoms are gone but I still feel a slight pain when I inhale deeply and I feel just generally sick (but no cough or runny nose).

    How bad of an idea is it to take bong tokes right now? I had one in the morning and it didn't seem to make me feel any worse. Also, could the pain in my chest have something to do with the amount I smoke(everyday)?

    And one more point, my Mom has had Pneumonia quite a few times so is that a factor?

    Cheers, Misha
  2. bro i doubt anyone here is a doctor.. just use a lil common sense and dont ask people that dont know shit about shit .. we have doctors to help diagnose wats wrong wit us ;)
  3. uhhhh...yeah smoking wouldn't be the best idea..if you got a vaporizer just laying around~ i would suggest using it instead :laughing:

    you can always make a home made one outta a light bulb,a bottle cap ,and straw :D

    oh and theirs also this that i found one the wizzeb

    Breathing Exercises to Help Chest Pain

    great well soon :hippie:

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