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Cherrying and cornering bowl's

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by CRF250F, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. I am fully aware that this is a pretty amateur question, but don't see a point in getting my question answered by an amateur who think he knows what he's doing but really doesn't. Anyhow, I have been smoking for four-ish years now. Generally I blaze with people that have a hell of a lot more experience than me. Handy because I learned how to properly do stuff fast, not so much because much easier to embarrass yourself. Anyhow, whenever anyone, including myself, smokes bowls here, we burn the entire bowl evenly. No 'cornering.' It actually pisses people off and is seen as a newbie mistake to just smoke out of one corner or place of the bowl. And when the bowl is cherried, it is seen as a good thing. It a sign f an avid smoker if you can get the bowl cherried and burned evenly. I really did believe this was the correct way to smoke a bowl, but after reading some posts on here people say that cornering the bowl is actually a good thing, and cherrying is not? just wondering if people could shed some light on this, as to what you believe is correct and how you 'properly' smoke a bowl.
  2. I corner bowls when smoking with others so we all get greens
  3. Saves weed both ways
  4. I honestly just don't see how lighting the entire bowl could possibly be beneficial?? You burn way more bud, and you're just ashing the bowl way sooner. Can you say that you get more hits when you just torch up the whole thing and allow it to all burn at once? I hate when I smoke with people that do this and they pass the bowl back once before it needs to be packed again. I can pass a bowl back and forth while cornering it multiple times, but not when some asshole lights up the whole thing and wastes the entire bowl. I think most people would have to agree with me on this although I have smoked with some people that are for sure experienced tokers and will still do this. Nothing gets at me more than when someone genuinely torches up the entire thing.
  5. i'm used to vaping, so when i smoke i probably take baby hits compared to most people. cornering just makes sense. everyone gets a "green hit" and i get as big a hit i want. torching the entire bowl is rather wasteful. if the bowl is burning when you pass it, that's bud wasted. and at the prices many people are forced to pay, that's money wasted.

    although honestly, it's not a big deal to me. that's just how i like to smoke. when smoking with others, i don't really care as long as you don't slobber all over the piece or torch the entire bowl in one hit.
  6. Imho, I think snaps are the best way to go. everybody gets a green hit and get to cash it. no burnt pot for anybody!
  7. I light the whole bowl, but I only pack enough for one rip.
  8. if i'm smoking with people i corner it to save green for them but if i'm alone (90% of the time) i cherry it so it will burn evenly
  9. I absolutly hate when I light a bowl with someone and they tourch the shit out of it. I dont care if they take all the greens.... but when you tourch it and say you were trying to get it cherry youre just dumb. when something is being hit with direct flame, or is on fire it just gives off alot of carbon monoxide with a little bit of smoke. when you let it smolder it lets off alot of smoke. so corner it or not just dont tourch it.
  10. Nothing worse than that one guy halfway through the rotation that burns the whole bowl before anyone to the right of him gets any...

  11. Has happened multiple times and just makes me cringe.
  12. people usually want to see themselves get a green hit so why not.
  13. Depends on the person, I prefer cherrying, you have to pack the bowl full and as tight as possible though. It can make a bowl last twice as long as cornering, and I prefer to get a bowl rolling so my roommate doesn't have a chance to take a lighter to it and suck it all the way through, that greedy selfish fucker haha
  14. I always corner a bowl the first round of passing in a group. After that I assume most of the green has been torched so I just try to find green.
  15. In my circle, or 2 people i smoke with, the first person to hit gets to start a cherry on the bowl then it gets passed all around:smoking:
  16. with my friends we pack the bowl and finish the bowl , then someone else etc

    if im with associates i'll corner the bowl, but usually no matter where I am...if you cash the bowl just put some more in for the next person and all is well ...
  17. Snaps ftw .
  18. i have never heard of torching a bowl as a good thing.
    nor do i believe cherrying a bowl is "proper smoking etiquette".
    honestly that is the polar opposite...

    corning a bowl is to give everyone a green hit.
    its called being considerate to your fellow tokers.
    nobody enjoys ash hits...

    and cherrying up a bowl seems like a waste.
    why let it burn for no reason?

    regardless its all about having fun.
    which is why i dont have "rules" when i smoke with people.
    everybody enjoys the herb differently.
  19. Stoner Curtisy bro, always corner bowl when with others..
  20. We always do a bowl per person in rotation. Everyone gets greens and the same amount of weed. That way you can take as big or as small of a hit as you want

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