I like your computer. That CPU heatsink is huge, isn't it? I think I had the same one. Very nice, though. And I can see your video cards too. Sorry, I'm about to build a new computer and I'm pretty excited.
Right on, yea the CPU cooler is an artic 64, heres a couple better pics without the soda. Two 10,000 RPM hard drives, an 8800GTS 512 video card. I had two 7800GT OC's in there previously but wanted a 512 for vista. Wow, those wires are a mess. Hate the look on the front, the white drive is totally out of place, and the fat crack at the bottom from this noob.
Never had it, sounds like it has potential though... It's just so hard to pry myself away from Arizona...
You know, I have been drinking arizona for years, and only recently realized they put high fructose corn syrup in it, at least the ones I buy, so Ive been trying to stay away from it more and more.
I don't mean to be so OT or hijack your thread, but that setup is awesome! And yep, I have the same CPU cooler. And I'm gonna get an 8800GTS for my video card, too. I know they have the new GTX 260 and 280 out, but an 8800GTS can play anything that's out right now basically maxed. So, I'll wait a bit before I consider upgrading again. And I love cases with a window on the side. ^^ I hope Peach Tea doesn't have too much in it, that's my favorite..
Naw no problem mang, what cpu/memory you thinking? My case has 9 fans, so i have to clean the dust out of it and the filters every couple of weeks especially this cpu cooler, but thats not really a big deal i guess, only takes 15 minutes or so.
I'm thinking about the new Intel Core i7. I'll have to wait a week for my paycheck to come in, though. But yeah, hopefully in buying the Core i7 I wont have to upgrade for (hopefully) 5 years or more. My old Pentium 4 has had it.. And now it has a bad virus to make things worse. Probably some Corsair memory to go along with it? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188039 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115202 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145225 These will be the core parts. I'm just about $300 short, though.
Interesting, looks like some good products. Only thing I can suggest is make sure that your cpu cooler wont run into a space conflict with that tall memory, but looks like it would be out of the way.
I give out too much rep daily, but I'd rep you for that if I could - I didn't even think about the memory being so tall. I'll have to check out some CPU coolers that'll fit. Thanks.
IDE cables are all I have for now. But SATA, here I come. And Arizona tea is basically the only thing I drink, other than water.