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Cheese x Sour D

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by alea35, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. :cool:

    Attached Files:

  2. looks super tasty, enjoy it man! :smoke:
  3. damn nice nugget!
  4. whats the taste? more like sour d mmmMMmMMmMmMmmMm

    or like cheese which im not to big of a fan of love the weed just not the taste
  5. Gotta love anything sour d. What kind of taste are you getting?
  6. That nugget right there is the definition of Jungle Green.
  7. Sour Cheesiel :smoke:
  8. i would call it CheeseD ( not cheese d say it all together lol)
  9. Looks like some ice cap i had a while ago. enjoy that shit i know i would be. lol
  10. makes me think of Mr. Cheezle from Grandmas Boy, :hello:
  11. Damn looks yummy, enjoy man, :)

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