Checkin In

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by luvofthagame, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. what's up! Have posted pics before on my sick white widows, thought id check in and share how they are doing. All four of them have recovered from using peat pots for seedlings and have been transplanted twice now. I am using organic methods and now they have been settled in their bed. out of 4 seeds i got 2 females and 2 males, which is what i was hoping for since i have limited width space. they are 5 weeks old in vegitation, just been supercropped(bends were made today, pics are from yesterday)and will be flowering as soon as recovered, probly monday. pre-flowers showed up about 4 days ago for the girls and 2-3 days ago for da boyz-:devious:which are about to feel my wrath-:devious:- I do wish I couldve found somebody to take em to grow some free seeds, but i do what i must. they were 10 1/2 inches before i bent them and (with the exeption of getting slightly root bound) have grown well. I Luuuvvv when i rub my fingertips on the stem and it smells like strong lemons. dey go..........:smoking:

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