so i smoke weed alot and today i was thinking, " what if my generation brought there children up to smoke weed." like whats the one thing we never want to happen. is to get caought by our parents or police. the look on your mom or dads face when they relize your "one of them" your a "stoner" a "bum" well one of my life goals is to change that. i want to be able to say i can smoke weed freely in the untied states of America. and that goal isnt ganna happen just because i say so. i need all of GC to help me out. i know you guys think this is a dumb thread but please keep reading. if everybody grew there children up to believe that weed is good. than we can succeed with accomplishing my goal. just think of all the good we could do. if our children believe good what the goverment thinks is bad then weve truely succeded because our kids are going to be the next born leaders of our nation. so bring them up thinking what is bad, is good. thanks for reading comment whatever you want. i believe i got my message across. Peace
there is optimism for the youthful generations , occupy wall street group we know the government is corrupt, that awakenings got to come before reform
[quote name='"FateToker"']Something tells me the people on this website aren't the ones you need to be telling this[/quote] Lol right