I know everybody hates promotion and all on this website, but I'm trying to help my lil brother out who is 15 going on 16 in couple weeks. He feels like he's too late on rapping/songwriting, when i keep telling him its not. He started around 14, but never could actually sit down and write everyday because of school. He feels like a failure because of it. Ever since the age of 12, he's been a very precocious kid. Like his thinking was way above age level. Anyways, I was wondering if I could get some feedback to cheer him up? Here's one he would like to share: Before there was poems, there was shit previously written But listen, when there wasn't a leader, I'm pretty sure shit was smitten Before I was a baby fitten I'm pretty sure G-d was thinking the same question Will I be in the surroundings, to compress the impression of expression? Or will I be another bird in a tree? Just watch life go by We could only live once, so might as well look back Because our present is a living hell and our past is heaven that will forever last {} I Don't blame you; when the sky fell down Satan had something different in his eyes The game now made of false signs and lies Somethin that's not too hard to define While you bitches whine I'mma spell it out for you with every line So please take a moment to agknowledge Before y'all wine and dine. [] What do you guys think? Any thoughts?
why would it be too late to start writing? U should write because you enjoy it and strive to get better.
You should get him to record it but it seems like there's no subject, and it begins like it'll be a punchline / ego rap then gets deep which isn't usually how people do it. Sounds good though, you should get him some books on rapping check the reviews and see if they're worth it...i'm sure they have like a structure of making a song he could probably learn a lot about. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=a9_sc_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Apharcyde&keywords=pharcyde&ie=UTF8&qid=1296331856#/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=how+to+rap&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Ahow+to+rap]Amazon.com: pharcyde[/ame]
Yea, I'm also getting him for his birthday a digital keyboard or some drum machine for beat production since he's been playing piano 3+ years. He recently got that popular book, "How to Rap: The Art and Science of a Hip Hop MC". And about the subject part, yea he realizes he seems to get lost in his own lyrics at times. but he's been working on it.
If he's writing and rapping only in hopes to get famous, then he should just stop. You gotta do it for yourself, man. He should spit that over a beat, then post it on here. that'd be tight.
My bad, i thought pharcyde had a book so i amazoned them but the link was meant to be an amazon search for "how to rap"
He's not rapping for the fame and money. I mean he has hopes and all, but its not his main intention. Like i said, he's been a very precocious kid, and has had an above age level thinking since age 12. I mean, shit, the problems he was going through around age 13-14, was usually the problems that kids around 18-20 would have. He's a huge hip hop fan, listened to both underground and mainstream, and everything in between. He gets inspired from so much, and sees more than what the eye can see in all his interests. so no, his main intentions is not getting famous and the money, but he has hopes for it. It's like a similar story for many rappers. They love rapping, but hope to make it into the game one day. You know what i mean?