
Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ChillFave, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Not a fan of it. And if you have the time and interest to hear such tragic stories (but with a pretty decent ending), I'd like to tell you mine.

    Middle of February, I'm minding my own business in a piano room at school, when suddenly something occurred that had never happened to me before; a girl entered the room, shy and quiet, and told me that I was very good at piano. A bit confused as to why someone who looked like they had social anxiety disorder would brave busting into a private room to compliment someone, I couldn't help but admire her courage. I thanked her and we went our separate ways. Later in the month, I saw her in the cafeteria, so I went up and talked to her and we really hit things off. By the middle of March, we were happily dating.

    And boy was I happy. I hadn't had a girlfriend for about two years before that as different things kept falling out (girls w/boyfriends who became attracted to me, girls who left for college far away, & just general witchcraft). My depression was immediately gone as I spent every waking moment I could with this girl. We made so many plans for the summer: we would have dates in Seattle, she would go on vacation with me and my family, we would move in together at the end of the summer (very fast, I know), and ultimately she would join me at WWU when she had enough credits to transfer. She had already applied for classes at nearby Whatcom community college. For two months, I was finally happy, and it looked like my life with her was set in place. Well...

    In the middle of May she sends me a text saying we need to talk. She comes over and basically says,

    "I really like you. Really really. In fact, I like you too much. All I ever think about is you. Actually... I need some time away. I have to figure things out for myself for a little bit."

    I tell her that, in a relationship, when issues arise it is important for both people to be involved in finding a solution. I told her I wanted to help. But she insisted that I was the problem, and that time away from me would help her think straight and solve the issue. Oh, and she doubled back on all of our plans - she wouldn't go to Mexico with me and my family and wouldn't live with me at the end of the summer or go to WWU or Whatcom. Wtf.

    A bit confused, she left for a bit that night to talk to her best friend for advice. But her best friend agreed with me, saying we should work on it together, and she once again had a change of heart and came back to me. We started looking at apartments and made brownies and hung out. "Good stuff", I'm thinking.

    The next day, she changed her mind again for good. We would break up for a while and revisit the relationship later. Tired of dealing with the problem, I decided to let it go because she would likely change her mind again. Besides, I play piano like a boss :cool: why would she have reason to leave me for good if she admitted to being so attracted to me?

    But weird shit started happening. When we made plans to hang out, she always doubled back on them saying "Sorry, I can't do it, I promised my friends I would hang out with them". These "friends" seemed to be all the more present in her life since my absence. It would not have bothered me if her "friends" were not four hunkin mexican soccer dudes who were doggin on her since winter. One time she had the gull to call me a distraction... her text read, "You're not really giving this whole 'give me space from a relationship' thing any time :( If I hang out with you, you would only distract me. I'm sorry :(". That time she cancelled our plans of going hiking so she could go surfing with el matador. What the hell.

    That night I stumbled upon some comments on facebook that set everything off. They were on his page and in spanish, so I hit the ol' translate button and her comment read "You are a really good friend, don't ever change :) want to hang out this weekend?"

    The comment was dated May 15th... the very day after she decided for good to break up with me, saying she hoped things would work out between us again someday. I called her out on it, and she suddenly became extremely defensive and hostile. I tried to point out the hypocrisy in her logic, but she just called me manipulative and refused to give me any sort of chance to reconcile the greatest thing that had ever happened to me.

    I fucking lost it. My mind took me places I NEVER want to be again. Broke into my dad's liquor cabinet and partied by myself, ended up throwing up my guts several times (alcohol makes me super sick, and I hadn't had a drink in over a year). I got two fancy new holes in my wall and a ton of broken shit that was ours. We made macaroni pictures together godammit. She kept her drumset at my house (I was giving her drum lessons), I ended up stabbing two of the heads before tackling the whole kit to the floor (that was mostly for kicks, I had never wrecked a drumset before... hehe). A couple weeks after that, my bad thoughts kicked in... not necessarily thoughts of committing suicide, but my mind ruminated around the topic of suicide non-stop. I was not in a good way, and decided things needed to change.

    So I went on Amazon, got a cheap easy-vape, bought a dime from my friend and set out to find a new perspective. And by golly, did that help. If anybody tells you marijuana is useless for treating depression, kick them firmly in the vagina for me, because I consider myself very much healed by the experience. I hadn't used MJ frequently ever before, and that really helped me out. I found myself turning the events into a positive message and a huge learning experience (no one had ever broken my trust like that before), and now I try my hardest to focus on the future and leave the past behind.

    So there you have it. I'm stuck inside all day while she enjoys her summer with some slimy fuck. Well, they're both slimy fucks that I'm just ready to leave alone for eternity. Not really the classic case of cheating, but the theme I guess is betrayal. If you've taken the time to read all of this, I'd like to thank you dearly, as writing this out was pretty good therapy. And if a similar situation ever happens to you (which I would not wish upon my worst enemies), just try your hardest to keep the past from defining you. I'm looking forward to my future, and if I just bask in the shitty past without trying to focus on the things it has taught me, I will only be bogged down like I was before.

    Little gem of a quote: "If you love something, set it free; if it comes backs it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."

    Now if you'll excuse me... :smoke:

    What are your thoughts on this subject?
  2. boy this is quite a wall of text :D
  3. Long post but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    But without beating around the bush; shit happens. Girls come and go. Yeah man, maybe you thought you met the love of your life, but sometimes bitches be crazy and you just gotta simplify things and move on with your life. Trust me dude, there's many more girls out there attracted to talented musicians :)

    But it's never good imo to "Take a break". I think you should have kind of expected the inevitable. On the bright side, I'm sure there's many things you've learned for future women from your old girl. Life is good man, and plus it sounds like you're having a better time with Mary than her:smoke:
  4. I had a similar situation with an ex, who had, well had sex with an ex of hers, taunted me by saying if I didn't shut the f$&@ up she would cheat on me WITH her ex. SOOO, of course being me, I called her out on it, she denies it, months later I find out that not only did she have sex with him, she had done it a month before she denied it. This was IMO karma, because I had a threesome with her and this girl that she had hated. This kind of cheating would progress, on our FIRST year anniversary, she claimed to be at a "girlfriends" house for the night, later I found out she was at a open house party where she had given two guys a blowjob, and gotten "roasted" as they put it, in the middle of a field. She would blame this on the alcoholic beverages she consumed, knowing the outcome of drinking oh I don't know.. Alcohol? So, normally I wouldn't make a big show of it, I'd just leave her, wouldn't get back at her, just would'a taken my shit and go, but what she had done was unforgivable. This called for drastic measures. So, I began talking to her best friend, talking soon led to hanging out, which then led to having sex and rubbing it in the bitches face. Women will KILL you. Can't live with them, can't live without them, but you CAN throw the low life cheaters to the curb with the rest of the trash.

  5. hahaha boss man
  6. [quote name='"lemonindica"']

    hahaha boss man[/quote]

    I could've left it alone man.. I could've done it! But she always wanted me to be spontaneous, well fine! That's pretty spontaneous isn't it? Finding out that your best friend wanted my dick the whole time?

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