Cheapest way to clone

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by xplicitcontent, May 15, 2007.

  1. Hello everyone, I've been searching around looking at different cloning methods and most require purchasing something from garden store, like rooting hormones and such. At the moment, i'm strapped for cash and a ride and I'd have to wait until next weekend before I can even think about getting that stuff.

    That said, my plant has already grown several new branches on the lower nodes that have a couple nodes on themselves already and I know if I let it grow more, it's not going to clone really well if at all. I'm looking to get these out asap and clone them, but with none of the standard supplies, I'm kinda s.o.l. unless there's another way.

    Is it possible to just cut out the clones and dip it in corn oil or something that can be found around the house and replant em into a new soil medium without having to get all that fancy stuff? I might try with one clone for now until the weekend, but I don't want to start pulling off every node and sending them to their sure death.
  2. Hello.

    What gave you that impression? It's a little more difficult to clone a flowering plant, but vegging plants can be cloned ad infinitum.


    Rooting hormones speed up the process, and increase survival rates, but are not essential.

    Plant your clones straight into a light soil mix, and be a bit more patient than usual.
  3. thanks for the tip, as for the second quote, i didn't mean i couldn't clone if the entire plant got older, i just ment the spot where you'll take the clone from since i don't see many people saying to clone a 9+ inch cutting. I read on the overgrow faq that a clone can just be left in water until it's roots come out and then can be transplanted, is that a better method?
  4. Oh, wow. I didn't know you don't need root hormone. That's what I've been waiting for!

    I'm gonna go and make a couple of clones RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND.

    +rep, Rabiez. Thank yous.

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