anyone know where to get a effecitve ph meter for cheap? ive seen some 20 dollar-ish ones on ebay but i dont know if their good or not, tryin a bb grow
I use one of these from Amazon. Linky. They're real cheap but can be picky. If you keep the tip real clean and wipe it with steel wool or fine sand paper before use to get off the old junk it works fine.
Liquid testers are the best. No need to clean electrodes No "calibration liquid" needed. No "drifiting" No battery replacement Costs $5 from most hydro stores. The only reason not to buy one of these test kits is if your color blind (aparently 5 out of 100 men are color blind)
I don't remember the specific model numbers, but the cheapest ones that seem to have quite a following around here would probably be Hanna meters in the $30 - $35 range. You could probably narrow it down if you search Amazon, since that will bring up similar products to look at. I'd guess that you'd probably end up somewhere around $50 if you add calibration solution.
If you want accurate and have limited funds use the 3 drop liquid solution but get a ppm pem if in hydro
watch ebay.. dependable hanna meters can be had for under 30.00 to your door.. calibrating/storing solutions are cheap as well.. all in all it will be a 40.00 investment u should not be without
I just ordered one from ebay for 25 after shipping. It is Milwaukee brand. I dont know if that's good or not, LOL! I am waiting for it to come in the mail now...