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Cheapest O's in south New Jersey

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by acstreets, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. New to this, wonder wat u guys r paying for ur O's. Nething but reggie.
  2. Jersey prices suck. 120 oz for me at least.
  3. o for 120 what is it sand
  4. this thread interests me, i was tyrna buy an O the other day but it went for like 400 and my other connect was 200.

    Here longbottom leaf i think his name was posted this link in my thread really helpful

    New Jersey Weed Prices -
  5. 120 an O. and its not reggie. NICE!!!!!
  6. Thats Cool Greg Green, but i dont even c my city.

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