Cheap Whey Protein

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by NaKz, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. #1 NaKz, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    Haven't posted in a while.

    Found a cheap site for whey protein concentrate in the midst of all of these horribly inflated prices due to Gatorade buying up a lot of the worlds supplies for their freaking G series line of whey protein RTD.

    This is flavorless whey so it tastes like half and half, not bad but not the artificially flavored stuff some people are used to drinking.

    69.95 with free shipping for 10 lbs of whey. 24g of protein per scoop.

    151 servings.

    Pm me for a link, no strings attached lol.

    Oh and a progress picture.

  2. I like getting optimum nutrition gold standard whey 10 pounds for 99$ it's more expensive but in my opinion it s the best whey on the market for price. And effectiveness
  3. [quote name='"secretjuly"']I like getting optimum nutrition gold standard whey 10 pounds for 99$ it's more expensive but in my opinion it s the best whey on the market for price. And effectiveness[/quote]

    Yeah I agree taste better and it mixes easy.
  4. Wow, thats an awesome deal. Just ordered 4lbs for like 45 yesterday though..smh
  5. No, optimum nutrition is not the best whey for the price. You can get bulk deals at a variety of other sites that have certificates of analysis for much cheaper than optimum nutrition.

    Optimum nutrition jacks their prices up because they sell through a shit load of store fronts and are one of the only well trusted mainstream protein suppliers at places like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe.

    This whey protein has certificates of analysis from dana foods which is a good dairy wholesaler.

    It's just as effective as optimum nutrition, except it doesn't come with a free bottle of lube so they can rape you in the ass for all your money like Optimum does.

    And it mixes just as good, if not better than optimum nutrition because there are no fillers at all.
  6. What's your take on Whey Protein Isolate since I'm saving money for that?
  7. There isn't going to be a noticeable difference in body composition from using isolate vs. concentrate.

    Where isolate really shines is helping to rid sensitivities to whey. Being a much purer form, people who get digestive issues or other adverse reactions from whey concentrate tend to react much better to isolate.

    The price difference is astonishing though. What would be 40 dollars for 5 lbs of concentrate is usually 60 dollars for 5 lbs of whey isolate.

    This site also has 5 lbs of isolate for 52.95 and 10 lbs of isolate for 95.95 though. Free shipping with the 10 lb.
  8. [quote name='"NaKz"']

    There isn't going to be a noticeable difference in body composition from using isolate vs. concentrate.

    Where isolate really shines is helping to rid sensitivities to whey. Being a much purer form, people who get digestive issues or other adverse reactions from whey concentrate tend to react much better to isolate.

    The price difference is astonishing though. What would be 40 dollars for 5 lbs of concentrate is usually 60 dollars for 5 lbs of whey isolate.

    This site also has 5 lbs of isolate for 52.95 and 10 lbs of isolate for 95.95 though. Free shipping with the 10 lb.[/quote]

    Thanks for the info!

  9. Anytime.
  10. What's the site called.
  11. Nutrabio sells isolate at $500 for 50#

  12. I reserve the right to let you know that information through pm.

    The site isn't important, the important part is that they use a top notch dairy distributor named Dana Foods who have certificates of analysis for the purity of their whey.
  13. Anybody know why whey protein is generally expensive?

    I would think it'd be a more competetive industry, and that it's inexpensive to manufacture.
  14. #14 BTraven, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Two places off the top of my head: - you can design your own blend and they are very cheap and respected (they also have predesigned blends)
    Also every guy on the forum has a 5% coupon code as his signature. Or just use google. A popular mod is:

    Or one could get the "recession blend" which is 25lbs of unflavored for $170 before discount.

    Or SAMs club has EAS Whey for $37 delivered to your door! If you aren't a member they have a 10% up charge but that's still cheap considering you don't even have to leave the house

  15. is great, but their shipping prices are outrageous, making it not a very good offer overall.

    25 lbs of whey concentrate on the site I mentioned in my first post is 159.95 with free shipping. That beats out truenutrition.

    EAS has been replaced in most Sams Club store fronts with Muscletech whey protein with added creatine in it, which is garbage.

    Appreciate the added suggestions for people, but I've been in the protein market for a long time and this is one of the best deals I have found.
  16. #16 BTraven, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Yeah. The 25 lbs of the Recession blend is 176 shipped. That is a shit ton of whey. It is a mix of concentrate and isolate though.

    Indeed the EAS from Sam's is available only online. Which I prefer as my time and gasoline are valuable. It also has BCAAs which some might appreciate.

    As far as creatine goes I think that's a bonus. Creatine has a lot of scientific evidence supporting its efficacy. That said I would still not buy Muscle Tech.

    Could you please PM me your whey source. I'm stocked(at large nutrition)for now but a friend need some and I would like to pass it on.

    Thanks in advance!

  17. Pm'd and no problem.

    As far as the creatine goes, I love the stuff and it has decades of research backing it. Muscletech does not provide any information on including creatine in the blend except being hidden in the ingredients list. Most people (like me) take their creatine seperate and use quite a few scoops of protein daily so I would end up with 2-3x the amount of creatine I would want for that day.
  18. Great point on the creatine. I misunderstood your meaning. I too take it separately and really don't want to be taking an unknown amount.
  19. Up up up

  20. What this guy said.

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