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Cheap small grow house?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Weedology, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Looking forward to growing and couldnt find where to post this. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  2. not really sure what this is asking. but if you're looking for a cheap, small growhouse for small scale growing, you could probably make out with just using a basement. or even a shed
  3. Im looking for the little houses already made like all you need is the dirt and seedSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. A grow cabinet or grow tent? Amazon my friend, they have everything :)
  5. [quote name="Potlab" post="19409078" timestamp="1390741084"]A grow cabinet or grow tent? Amazon my friend, they have everything :)[/quote]I'll check it outSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. [quote name="Potlab" post="19409078" timestamp="1390741084"]A grow cabinet or grow tent? Amazon my friend, they have everything :)[/quote]How will i know its right for the cannibis plant? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. [quote name="Potlab" post="19409078" timestamp="1390741084"]A grow cabinet or grow tent? Amazon my friend, they have everything :)[/quote]HelloSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  8. Well, if its for growing any kind of plant it will do for weed as well. Did you see what I was talking about on amazon? They got lots :) Mine is 4 foot x 4 foot and 6.5 foot tall, cost me about a hundred bucks or so. Maybe 150
  9. I am no expert on this but I saw a youtube video of a guy who had a metal cabinet/locker thing and it was hollowed out and had a small personal amount growing inside it. totally stealthy from the outside, you would have no idea it's got all the lights and shit in it. even got a filter for the smell.
  10. How much you looking to spend? I'd suggest a gorilla grow tent.

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