cheap places in California ...

Discussion in 'General' started by tobymac420, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone's knows some cheaper places to live in northern Cali that would be by a beach. I am looking for homes in the $150k range but wanna stay out of the ghetto. Any help I would love. I know Redding but would like something closer to the beach. ALSO is there no tax in Cali?
  2. just do an MLS real estate search. Pick out state and city.
  3. Cali has lots of TAXES and they will probably go up due to Cali's state of the economy.
  4. ^Yep
    Living by the beach would be very expensive, and with 150k yearly, it would be a loong year.
    Not trying to dictate your decision or anything, but if you have a choice the city is better than the beach imo
  5. I just want to live within like a hour of a beach not on it. I mean I want to buy a house for 150k.
  6. ^Oh damn haha
    That should be a fun(im serious) house hunt for you good luck bruh
  7. If you're trying to move to northern Cali, the beaches aren't that special and wouldn't be worth the extra cost to live near one. I'm like an hour from Santa Cruz which is really the only beach I need. Just check out places in the easy bay area, theres everything around there
  8. Well were do you live that's around Santa Cruz?
  9. Yeah cheap and California don't mix that well..
  10. I know that well any other states as laxed on Mary Jane as Cali?

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