The $50 cheap ones are definately worse matierals, prone to break, bad temperature control etc. Like someone said. It seems the main argument between 300$ to 50$ vapes is some of the quality of the material, and the eventual hazard to your health from the air path going through circuits and such. But its the use of it im talking about. If i wait too upgrade to a better vaporizer am i really missing out on anything? Or as far as the vaporizing aspect of it goes is it basically the same.
If you're referring to the ones that are like 50-60 bucks, yes, they are worthless. They have almost no temperature at all. The reading on the display is nowhere near the actual temp. I have one that goes up to "500", but it is barely hot enough to vaporize. Others say that really low temps are too hot. Its really hit-and-miss. It is very misleading though because the display clearly labels the read-out as "degrees Fahrenheit" when in the instructions it tells you that the number displayed is only a scale of how hot it is. They are also assembled in China, so god knows what kind of harmful shit you're breathing in. There have been some claims of toxic materials used in the vital components. They are not durable whatsoever, glass whip cracked in the middle of a session for no apparent reason, and it started to fall apart after about 10 uses. After about 5 more, it completely stopped working altogether. In short, don't waste your money. Get a DaBuddha or something that is fairly cheap yet still reputable.
if you want to be cheep like me get a vaporgenie or a mflb name brands are always good most of the time
Get a mflb, da buddha, or the extreme.. Whatever suits your needs but those are the best "cheap" vaporizers.. They are very high quality for the price.. Nothing but good reviews on all of those.. I'm buyin an extreme off ebay next week!
i just bought one of those $50 easyvapes from ebay, it'll be here thursday. I'm on a T break so i can detox to pass a drug test to get a job but i'll let you know how it goes when i start smokin it or atleast the looks and temps of it cuz i'll be messing around with it to make sure it's good
what happens if that plastic melts away and reveals a priceless symeeze orphaned baby arm preserved in solid opium. think about that there sonny boy
O yeah they're definately worse matierals, prone to break, bad temperature control etc. Like someone said. It seems the main argument between 300$ to 50$ vapes is some of the quality of the material, and the eventual hazard to your health from the air path going through circuits and such. But its the use of it im talking about. If i wait too upgrade to a better vaporizer am i really missing out on anything? Or as far as the vaporizing aspect of it goes is it basically the same.
I would guess that yes you will indeed be missing out on a great vaping experience. Vaporizers are very sensitive to good materials and construction, and functionality of the piece ultimately rides on those two variables. Say you decide to get an Easy Vape and the unit that you receive either A) Won't get hot enough to properly vape the weed, thus resulting in poor quality vapor and a as a result you won't get very high and will be disappointed with your purchase, or B) The temp control is all fucked so you have nearly no control over the temp and you get the same result. I think it is definitely worth the investment to get a good vape that will last you forever. Hell, the body of the SSV is made entirely of anodized 1/5" thik aluminum. Now THAT is quality and durability.