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Cheap Bowls

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Gremz, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Im looking to buy a real piece. im sick of my homemades. and i was wondering where i could find the cheapest glass spoon. my friends telling me about this gas station nearby that sells em for 20 dollars, is that expensive?
  2. Not really.

    Try to get a thick bowl though, don't wanna break it the instant you buy it :)
  3. I own a 90 dollar pipe, that's expensive. Good pieces are made with high quality glass, probably borosylicate, and have intricate designs. You can get a lot of cheap pipes that are generic looking and made in China from gas stations. They do the deed, but I like to have a piece thats fun to look at.

    I also have a 14 dollar piece for burn cruises, gotta have a sacrificial pipe.
  4. I wouldnt spend 20 on a gas-station pipe. Go to a flea market near you, most flea markets sell glass pipes bongs, ect.
  5. I bought a cheap chillum(straight pipe, no carb) for less then 10 bucks and its not total crap.
    I also saw some pipes and bubblers for 20-30 bucks and they were alright. Not paper the(some were, you just have to inspect the glass carefully) and gets the job done.
  6. from a gas station maybe because gas stations sell crap a lot but maybe its ok you can get a nice glass spoon for $20-$30 on average.
  7. I got my standard spoon which works very well for 14$.
  8. most gas stations around my area have small glass bowls for $6-8 try small convenience stores or dollar stores and gas stations :smoke: good luck!
  9. Sex shop! Lol!! Starship? Well in my area. I'm supposing adult novelty shops? (Have to be 18+) Pretty great one hitters for 10-15, not bad. Pretty durable, hits very good, and also has deep bowls.
  10. check out

    go under the glass section and the pipes... there's some good stuff there, and it's generally priced good. but it's basically first-come first-serve. i just got my piece today from there, actually. real nice, and it was $30. there's plenty of cheaper ones as well.

  11. all for this, there's a flea market 10 mins from my house that has 2 headshops. one's got high end glass, the other has nice home blown pieces and cheap china. bowls go for around 20 in either, so i figure it's about the same everywhere else

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