Chat about a Life decision with me?

Discussion in 'General' started by bahookahjoe18, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. #41 drasticdayz, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010
    Make it happen man, I spent only about 2 hours a day in school my senior year the rest I spent working for my father starting my own business. Luckily my school was able to give me credits for an internship. My business is doing well now and starting to take off but after watching all my friends go off to college and what not I do feel like im missing out. If you got the grades and the ability to get financial aid DO IT! These are your last 4 years of your life where you can dick around after that its down to business and life is way harsher. I highly recommend you enjoy senior year. Toke it up and have fun. I had the same thing only needed 2 credits and that's how I got my internship.

    Hope this helps I am 19 now and was just in that stage of my life with the EXACT same thinking.

    Oh and I did get my diploma and senior year turned out to be a blast.
  2. Dude here is the real truth about dropping out.

    Always hated highschool, so I did what you did, and went to a CC for 15 credits after I dropped out. Then after I was done with that, I spent four years in the airforce, and now I make 70k a year, working on computers. Something I love doing.
  3. :hello:

    + rep. Theres a way to make money off of almost anything in life, might as well find a way to make money off of something you enjoy.
  4. if you really want to do a "into the wild" type thing at least graduate high school first. I mean Chris Mcandless graduated college and knew his shit.
  5. He ended up starving to death. The fact that he graduated from college didn't help him at all.

  6. Hell yeah. Got it straight.

    Or not make money and still be happy.

  7. The attitude and naivety that some people have towards life simply amazes me...SMH

  8. Mine?
  9. I didn't know you knew the proper way to live life. Mind sharing?

  10. Well the whole "fuck society" mindset a lot of people seem to have here is just so ridiculous. Life sucks for so many people and those who have it great just don't seem to get that. If you're given the opportunity to make a good life for yourself you should be doing whatever you can to take advantage of that...not just throwing it away because you don't like how things work.

    You should be making the best out of what you've been given and a lot of people don't even bother trying. I'm done.

  11. What is best for some may not be best for all.
  12. I agree. Murs im not bashing you, or im trying not to, but it seems very closed minded to think that because someone talks about not needing money, education(that determines social class), they have naive views on society. Its hard to think outside of your box but try, i try everyday to think outside of mine. Happiness is never one universal truth, it cant be. I know plenty of people who go through life in a high paying job only to have the so called "mid life crisis" which is really just people realizing "what is it i'm working towards? Ive gotten to the point i've been trying to get to, but i see its nothing." I'm currently in post secondary education and i am thoroughly enjoying it, but i am in no way getting further education so that i can continue to play the game or so that i can get a higher paying job than just with my high school degree.

    I really admire bahookajoe in staying calm through the flaming, and i can understand where your coming from. I've been there. Its an important decision, and dont make it lightly. sometimes you have to suffer just to gain in the end. and the gain wont be now you have this certificate, now your happy. it will be that it opens new doors for you to do anything you could ever want.

    You got some thinkin to do.
  13. Stay in school even if it means your not trying in the classes you dont need. Besides senior year was fun ha. I understand the whole wanting to get out of highschool but trust me it will be worth the wait. GEDs are the same thing but they dont look as good on a transcript to bigger universities.
  14. "i dropped out of highschool to get my GED so i could go to college sooner" is not a good line to impress universities with.

    there have to be at least 2 classes that you could amuse yourself with while you finish the two classes you need.

    i was in the exact same position for my entire senior year of high school. i didn't have a 1st or 6th period and i took yoga and public speaking with AP physics and AP Chemistry.

    the key is to find two classes that give zero homework

  15. Well said. I'm kind of surprised at how many Blades seem to think that there's only one path to go down.

    I don't want to or need to impress a university. I have a vague understanding of what I want from life, or at least how to use the system to my advantage. I don't need to go to Harvard to do it.

  16. If that's all you got from this discussion, then you aren't paying attention.

    Finishing school doesn't doom you to one path, it opens up many new ones that you won't have otherwise.

  17. That's not all I've got. I'm listening to everyone (almost).

    What doors will be closed to me though? Immediate entrance to a university, sure. But, I want to start at community college anyway. Some jobs, but that will hardly be an issue after I get my degree.

    People tell me to enjoy my senior year. I'm not popular (so what?) by any means. There are three people in the building that talk to me. I don't play sports. Our "clubs" meet once a month for 50 minutes.

    At first, I figured that I would stick with it. Two more credits needed, what the hell? For my other four mandatory classes, I chose Music History, Guitar II, Steel drums, and Biology II. We don't play music in my performance classes though except for maybe once a week. The rest of the time the teacher wants to clean up after the marching band.

    Waste of time?
  18. My advice? Quit school altogether, forget about college (all you want is "great financial success" anyway, plenty of billionaires have proven you don't need college for that), and go start up the next Google or something.

    And no, I'm not joking. If you're basically going to look to throw away your GPA, class ranking, and any possibility of a college scholarship at a University in favor of a GED and saving a few months to get on with your "education" at a community college, then you clearly do not understand the value of any of it.

    You might also note that the unemployment line is full of college graduates too these days. Perhaps that might help put some perspective on you rushing to get your degree.

  19. The last thing I want is great financial success. You misread that post.

    I'm sure plenty of those unemployed college graduates have their high school diplomas, too.

    I'm going to avoid the job market. I want to open a music store and possibly expand it to a small studio further down the road. I know that there's competition in any career, but I feel confident with this.
  20. My apologies for the misread, but honestly if you feel confident in your future plans and you already feel that a few more months in high school is becoming a waste of time, then why the hell are you even considering four more years of college?

    I can understand wanting to get some education on the basics of running a business (which you could probably glean just as much from the public library or Internet for free), but when you are your own boss, you don't really have to throw your resume around much. :cool:

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