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Charge to Smoke With/Put Up on the Sack?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Casper The Don, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I don't know, I've been hearing different things. All my buddies want to smoke weed, but expect me to smoke my weed with them, free of costs... Then when I do, they have to go home or some shit. Other times I'm just smoking in the street or something and someone asks to toke with, sure. I suspect this is all chill even though it gets on my nerves, I hate when people bum, then at the same time some people say people who do what I do are dummies.. Let people smoke for free.

    Do you guys let people smoke with you even if they didn't put anything up?
  2. If I've bought an eighth or quarter and I decide to go blaze right after I buy I'll match or smoke out random people. Share the love :smoke:
  3. i always share weed.. but if i notice that they come around only for the weed then there will be some changes ..

  4. Weed hoes... Always dealt with.
  5. I'll happy share my weed with friends, but let's be realistic for a second... it's expensive. If they are coming over just to smoke and disappear after, then no, I will not share.
  6. I have never let my friends get close enough to me. I rarely discuss buying/using. I usually let other people bring it up, and IF they inquire as to me, then I let them know i'll always throw down.
  7. I'm always down to share with people, cuz I'm a nice guy. But then when i'm dry i regret it. I would say make em throw down or match if theyve been getting smoked out by you a lot.

    btw whats with the random picture of those silver foamposites? lol
  8. I share a little bit with some friends, but friends who buy weed tend to get a bit more. I know they'll return the favour so it's all good :smoke:

  9. ^^^ Word. None of that here.

    My friends smoke weed and buy there own weed also. So i smoke them up all the time. And when im out for a while, they'll smoke me out anytime. Works out. But i smoke solo at times cause 3-4 heads just dont get me high no more. :devious:
  10. I have a good system set up with my group of friends, not really a system, just what we do.

    We all buy our own drugs. It's a pretty good system. Works almost 100% of the time. Just don't smoke em up anymore or tell them you quit and smoke behind their backs. You shouldn't have to pay for them bruh, that's shitty of them to put you in that position.

    I assume you work hard for your money, I smoke weed to relax..When things like money and me having to carry my buddies start happening then I get stressed out and it defeats the purpose of me smoking entirely.
  11. Depends on the person. I normally just match with people so you both benefit and you don't have to worry about dead presidents.
  12. I smoke people out a lot but some dudes just piss me off. This one guy always pulls on the blunt soooo hard and fast that it makes the blunt run really bad. Same with bongs. He hits it so hard and fast that herb gets sucked through before it's even burning. I tell him to go easier, that he'd still get high, and he gets all pissy.

  13. Sorry for the double post but this too for sure. All these fucks have ear to ear grins knowing they're about to be high for free and I'm just thinking, "damn alright if I roll another blunt I'd have this much left and...."

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