Chantix (to quit tobacco/nicotine)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Volcano South, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. #1 Volcano South, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2009
    Anyone ever try this?

    I realize this is the LEAST LIKELY forum to find someone using a pharmaceutical that doesn't have some mind-bending effects but I don't want to register anywhere else.

    I really, really, really want to quit smoking cigarettes.

    In my area, they just went from $3.50ish (Marl/Camel Ultra Lights) to $6.xx and $7.xx at some shady places. I'd rather buy an 8th of dank a week than cigarettes anymore.

    I quit once with the patch but it only lasted a little over a month and was 4 years ago.

    ROFL. Gas? Sorry honey these damn stop smoking pills keep flooding my ass with air
  2. My father's been smoking since he was a teen and he's used it before. When he first started taking the pills, he would only have a few cigarettes a day and he said it was weird that he had no desire to smoke at all. Then he started a higher dosage a month or so later. It was too much for him because he would get sick and vomit frequently. So he quit taking the pills and started smoking again. -_-

    But he just started taking the pills again. I hope he can pull himself through and really quit this time.

    Cigarettes jumped to $6 something a pack in Indy, and poor Illinois people. Cigarettes are $9 a pack across the state line. I don't smoke, but everyone I know who does is trying to quit.
  3. Thanks for the input. My University is giving them to students for free since our campus is going smoke-free fall '09. I won't be at that campus anymore (graduate school across town) but that campus will be smoke free a semester after that so it's really in my best interest to quit.

    +rep for input. Thank you.
  4. the same situation occured with my dad as revolution said. He said that everytime he smoked a cig he'd feel nautious until he stopped.
  5. What about pot? Did this screw up your pot smoking?
  6. Cold turkey. If you "really really want to", you just stop. I know, listen, I KNOW it's going to be hard sometimes, but if you truely want to, you will stop.

    Get some gum and mints to still put things to your mouth as a substitution. Maybe some patches. Just stop, homie.
  7. i just quit for three days using the patch because i got my wisdom teeth out, wasn't a problem at all. although I guess its a lot easier knowing i get to start again in another day or two
  8. chantix works wonders. just make sure to take it on a full stomach, and the nausea is minimal. i've smoked for 15+ years and it helped me to quit. i started smoking again, but that's my fault. i'm going to quit again on april 15th, via chantix.
    the best part about it? it gives you crazy vivid dreams.
  9. #9 abnormldood, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2009
    Chantix does work, I've smoked ever since I was 12 years old and I quit with Chantix. Other than the mental dependency you actually have no desire to smoke while on it. After the first two weeks it's smooth sailing. I definately wouldn't recommend it if you have issues with anxiety though, it will put you in a world of trouble. No lie, I'm diagnosed with clinical depression and I had to cut the program short due to suicidal tendencies. Doctors now ask you to fill out a form because of the heavy emotional side effects, it can even cause you to relive traumatic moments in your sleep. I had some very vivid dreams and had extreme insomnia because of it. If you are emotionally stable, go for it. If you have any anxiety or emotional distress Chantix can send you over the edge.
  10. #10 Volcano South, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2009
    I'm pretty stable. I mean, I'm married, have a degree, have a job.

    But at the same time, I'm NOT stable. You know what I mean? I've been a chronic drug abuser in the far past (2002-2003 cocaine, 2002-2005 Rxs) but now I'm not. I just smoke MJ everyday and on occasion take 10mg valium or 10-15mg hydrocodone, nothing serious, just a little something to take the edge off.

    I am NOT a drinker, however.

    I think I'll give it a shot, still, I know one of the less reported side-effects is suicide and while we've ALL thought about it in the past, I've never come close. Thought about it, yes, actually attemped? No.

    But I haven't been on any medications for anxiety or depression in quite some time. I find that dealing with reality is too hard on those strange substances, I don't want to walk around numb. Emotion is good.

    Anyways, thanks everyone for the tips and responses. I'll throw out +rep b/c you guys deserve it.
  11. it works if you want it to
  12. back when my mom smoked she tried chantix and it gave her horrible nightmares. Like the kind of nightmares where you are never the same after them

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