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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Cannabrandon420, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. #1 Cannabrandon420, Apr 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2010
    I have been smoking for 2 years and have pretty much burned everyday. The first year and a half I smoked I would smoke a joint or few bowls by myself than visualize, meditate, learn, want to excel, think, be positive, and be myself. Now I smoke 3-10 blunts per day when I'm at a friends house and all we ever do is sit on a couch, smoke more, drink more, and watch music TV. I no longer have the peaceful, positive perception on life when I smoke cannabis, I just get fucked up. Any suggestions on what I should do?
  2. First t hing that comes to mind is to take break. Second is change your environment. SMoke some of those blunts out in the world, not infront of a tv.

    Thats all i got.
  3. That is the environment they choose to burn at. All they do is smoke, drink, and party. That is why I go over to match them and drink. But I get so blazed that I don't even feel like doing anything.
  4. it sounds like its those friends that brought this funk to you. do you homes
  5. Cannabrandon420, I actually am in the exact situation you're in. Since coming to college last fall, the friends that I smoke with at school smoke way more than I was used to (or wanted to) and that I feel like the highs I get now-a-days aren't anything special... just another high.
  6. That's how it is man. Those magical highs won't last forever if you're blazing pretty much every day.
  7. Change your smoking environment. If you have to, go out on your own and spark blunts on a cruise or at a nice secluded spot. Find some abandoned places and do some urban exploration while smoking.

    I heavily dislike smoking in the same place all the time. It gets boring.
  8. Hell i know if i smoke during the day im not getting anything done. So i smoke at night, when everything is already done.
  9. do some coke or e pills dude
  10. Lol that's just gonna lead to new problems man.
  11. :eek: Advise fail...Just take a break man, that's what I'm doing to get those magical highs again. And switching your environment is always fun.
  12. Just smoke by yourself. Not all the time, but if there's a time where you wanna have that old feeling, just decline to go to their place and just blaze by yourself and just think.
  13. I could be wrong..or just to high but it seems that the answer is pretty simple? Don't go to that house..?
  14. Like others have said take a break, and when you do blaze don't do it in front of the tv, there is plenty to do outside.

    Cutting down would also help. Blazing shouldn't be an all day everyday thing, your gonna burn out that way and it just won't be the same amazing plant that we all love.
  15. I think you know the answer to this.

    You speak of being rational when you were relatively new to smoking, and now you speak of 'partying' and couch-locking. The decision is clear, but it can be damn hard to make when you have to burn bridges.
  16. You gotta take a break.
    Tolerance to mj and booze tends to build up very quickly
    It also takes a long time for mj to completely leave your system-it could take months.
    but everybody's body is different

    after you cut back, try not to ever start smoking that much again. If you whatch how much you smoke, you can smoke a lot less to get just as high.

    way more convenient :smoke:
  17. I love weed and all but you cant let it take over your life. You really need to get out and find something else to do. I've been smoking off and on for about 16 years but I still only smoke a few times a week when needed. That helps me keep a somewhat healthy balance between being baked and my priorities in life. 3 to 10 blunts a day is excessive (IMO), thats ALOT of smoke to be inhaling every single day.

    With the lifestyle you're describing I think its very easy for it to lead to depression and just plain "poor health". I say take a break for a while, get out and exercise, maybe find a job if you're not already working, and find some activities to do. When you smoke less often it becomes more enjoyable because you look forward to it more. Its not like crack or heroin where you have to do it several times a day or face withdrawal.

    Moderation is Key! :smoke:
  18. My senior year of high school I was pretty much in the same situation getting high was no longer fun because all my friends wanted to do was smoke as much as possible in one sitting and never do anything after. The solution i came up with was to take a break untill I felt that I was ready to smoke again responsibly and in moderation. And when I did start smoking again I made sure not to spend my time in front of the tv but instead I went outside and picked up some smokeing friendly hobbies like fishing, quading and hiking. Thats just the advise that I would give but do what ever you want its your life and enjoy it how you want to.
  19. Take a break. Or, go out and fuffil (spelling?) your desires while you smoke. No need to have tree get in the way of your life, gotta use it to enjoy your life more :D
  20. Wow and now you've described my life as well....


    - Take a one week break
    - At the end of that week buy a nice piece of glass, preferably one that involves water like a bong or bubbler. You could also try a vape...

    Another thing you may want to consider is the quality of your buds. If you say you've gone from meditating and having an active high to being sleepy, lethargic, and less willing to get out, perhaps you've gone from smoking a type of weed on the Sativa side to one that is more of an Indica (something even a "Seasoned Toker" can miss). That's about all I can think of. I'm on a one week T - Break (until 4/20) and it hurts every day but it'll be worth it soon.

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