Change the name of this forum to...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Green Wizard, Apr 26, 2009.

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  1. The Back Alley Vein Stabbers forum
  2. ...................?

    LoL I get it now nevermind. It's good but not very many of us shoot.
  3. No. Don't like it, don't come in.
  4. whats wrong with shooting? i tried it once.

  5. Seriously, That rush is like no other.
  6. Or we could change it to The-Forum-for-Hypocritical-Pricks-to-Come-in -and-Bitch-about-IV-Users-Everyday.
  7. I like the sound of Full Melt forum better.
  8. Yeah I know. I went on a dilaudid shooting spree lol.
  9. yuo so clever
  10. What the hell? I don't shoot up in a back alley...

    well, once in a car in a back alley, but I was still inside the car...
  11. i've downgraded to simply smoking my dope. except in the morning.

  12. I like the name but not the prospect of typing all that in to visit the site.
  13. Your Bad Childhood Memories Of Your Uncle Touching You.

    That should keep the kids AND me out.
  14. I think we should have a section for popular drugs.. An LSD forum, a Shroom forum, coke, e, etc
  15. Now that's an idea.

    That would really help people find what they're lookin for and keep it nice and organized.
  16. thats what i tried too. idk, just scared me a lot trying it, kept getting paranoid thinking i missed the vein when i drew and it was obviously a direct hit lol
  17. and hopefully keep these fucktards like the OP out lol, we all know though you put enough monkeys clicking on computer keyboards they'll eventually troll pandora's box.
  18. man my first shot I couldn't even stand up. sooooo good. Yeah I was pretty nervous about missin the vein too lol
  19. I have a feeling that even if we had individual forums for each drug there would still be people posting "trying ____, anything I should know" threads constantly, leaving the poor innocent search button to crawl into a ditch and die.
  20. "Fucktards", That's funny. But as you're playing connect the dots with your tracks there's a momentous Cannabis legalization movement going on across the nation. We have alot of obstacles to cross before that can even seem possible. One of the big one's we face, one that our opponents point out time and time again, is that Marijuana is a gateway drug, which of course we know it isn't, however these fucktards, as you like to say, our opponents to legalization, don't see it that way and most certainly troll these forums and use YOU fucktards as examples. This is GRASScity. Don't give them fuel for their fire. This forum should be about controversial issues. Not controversial hardcore drugs. That's all I'm saying
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